- One of the downsides of this news clips lark is how some old stories can stick in the
crawmemory for a long time. Here’s a great story about a mom-and-pop non-profit which is improving the Old South End of Toledo one house, YMCA branch, and charter school at a time. Pleasantly and quietly and with an eye toward what families there need. But as good as this story is, it unfortunately reminds me of the Old North End “village council”, whose vitriolic members noisily and vindictively forced Toledo City Council to stop the expansion of a successful charter school in their neighborhood some years back, actually closing the school and hosing the YMCA in the process. (Toledo Blade, 4/30/22) - Here’s a fascinating look at the education system that exists inside Ohio’s youth prisons, with particular attention paid to Ralph C. Starkey High School in the Circleville Juvenile Correctional Facility. It is detailed and interesting. And some of it should sound kind of familiar from schools beyond prison walls. (Columbus Dispatch, 5/2/22)
- Community colleges in the Miami Valley are celebrating all the high school students who are earning associate’s degrees or other credentials through their programs via College Credit Plus. The number of such students has been steadily increasing over the last five years. Kudos to all! (Dayton Daily News, 5/2/22)
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