NAEP 2017: America's "Lost Decade" of educational progress
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
Are High School Diplomas Really a Ticket to College and Work?
Jessica PoinerAn increasing number of headline-grabbing graduation scandals have renewed the public’s interest in how students earn a high school diploma.
America’s “lost decade” of academic achievement
On this week’s podcast, Hanna Skandera, former New Mexico education chief, joins Mike Petrilli and Alyssa Schwenk to discuss next week’s NAEP score release and why we’ve seen so little progress in recent years. On the Research Minute, Amber Northern examines how NCTQ’s ratings affect teacher education programs.
Seven story lines to follow when the NAEP results are released next week
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
The benefits of attending National Heritage Academy for-profit charter schools
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.By Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.
Why Betsy DeVos will make a great White House chief of staff
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
PRESS RELEASE: No, Mike is not a Russian bot
The Education GadflyFor Immediate ReleaseApril 1, 2018
Tulsa's superintendent's support of the state's teacher strike is a tipping point
Erika SanziBy Erika Sanzi
Three Hoover Fellows on NAEP, A Nation at Risk, and the Future of Education Reform
This month, the U.S. Department of Education released the latest results of the National Assessment of Education Progress (NAEP), which told us how fourth- and eighth-grade students are faring nationally, in every state, and in most big cities in math and reading. This month also marks the thirty-fifth anniversary of A Nation at Risk.
Urban achievement trends in advance of the release of 2017 NAEP results
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
States lead on education
On this week's podcast, Carissa Moffat Miller, the new executive director of the Council of Chief State School Officers, joins Mike Petrilli and Alyssa Schwenk to discuss CCSSO’s campaign to highlight innovative state education policies. On the Research Minute, Amber Northern examines the effects of the National Heritage Academies chain of for-profit charter schools.
Betsy DeVos just unlocked hundreds of millions of dollars a year for new charter schools
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
Teachers vs. STEM integration
Jeff MurraySTEM education is, by design, integrative. It strives to emulate the real-world work of engineers within a teaching environment.