Ohio Charter News Weekly - 7/20/18
Chad L. Aldis, Madison YoderA good news online charter school story
NEW REPORT: Reading and Writing Instruction in America's Schools
David GriffithBy David Griffith with Ann M. Duffett, Ph.D.
How high schools can boost college completion
On this week’s podcast, Matthew Chingos, director of the Urban Institute’s Education Policy Program, joins Mike Petrilli and Brandon Wright to discuss what high schools should be doing to address the college completion crisis. On the Research Minute, David Griffith examines the impact of New Orleans’s post-Katrina education reforms on short-term and long-term academic outcomes.
The institutional and cultural forces that drive economic success for black men in America
Emily HowellBy Emily Howell
Reading and Writing Instruction in America's Schools
David GriffithSince 2010, when most states adopted the Common Core State Standards (CCSS), the Thomas B. Fordham Institute has been committed to monitoring their implementation.
Ohio Charter News Weekly - 7/13/18
Chad L. Aldis, Madison YoderOhio charter school success story
Where education reform goes from here
Michael J. Petrilli(This is a long-form article that we've hosted on an external website. Read it here.)
Does the admissions process for New York City's selective high schools need fixing?
On this week’s podcast, David Griffith, Adam Tyner, and Brandon Wright discuss New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan to revamp the admissions process for the city’s selective high schools. On the Research Minute, Amber Northern examines why ELL kids are doing better than we think on NAEP.
Subscribe today and stay up to date on charter school news
Ohio Education GadflyDid you know that there’s a great new resource to help you keep up with charter school news in the Buckeye State and across the country? It’s called Ohio Charter News Weekly and you can have it delivered to your email Inbox every Friday.
More (yes, more) on Akron's graduation rate
Chad L. AldisOver the past two years, Fordham has been an outspoken critic of some of the efforts to modify Ohio’s graduation requirements. It’s not that we think the current graduation requirements are perfect. Heck, we’ve even offered a variety of ideas to modify the current framework.
Ohio Charter News Weekly - 7/6/18
Chad L. Aldis, Madison YoderBig changes are coming for Ohio’s dropout prevention and recovery charter schools