The effects of racial and ethnic teacher bias on student achievement
Christopher YalumaBy Chris Yaluma
Success Academy puts its "School Blueprints" online: How many will follow the lead of our highest achieving charter network?
Robert PondiscioBy Robert Pondiscio
Why isn't education research more useful to policymakers?
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
Beware of fake policy solutions
Jamie Davies O'LearyWhen I was growing up, “fake news” was the black-and-white photograph of the infamous bat child. Staring back at me in the supermarket check-out line, it was easy to spot—the line demarcating fiction from reality was as recognizable as the red and yellow tabloid headlines.
An interview with Caprice Young, Charter School Hall of Fame inductee
Jamie Davies O'LearyBy Jamie Davies O’Leary
Research roundup: Interdistrict Open Enrollment in Ohio
Ohio Education GadflyIn case you missed it, Fordham released a new report last week: a first-of-its-kind analysis of the districts and the students utilizing open enrollment across district boundaries in the Buckeye State, focusing on which districts did and did not open their borders and on
State ESSA plans: More than just pretty words?
On this week's podcast, special guest Chris Minnich, Executive Director of the Council of Chief State School Officers, joins Mike Petrilli and Alyssa Schwenk to discuss the seventeen ESSA plans that have been submitted to the U.S. Department of Education, and what the other thirty-four states can learn from them. During the Research Minute, Amber Northern examines Kentucky’s promising approach to school improvement.
Keep investing in charter schools that sustain results
NOTES: The Thomas B. Fordham Institute occasionally publishes guest commentaries on its blogs. The views expressed by guest authors do not necessarily reflect those of Fordham.
Tear down these walls: How suburban districts could help more needy kids
Aaron Churchill , Chad L. AldisBy Aaron Churchill and Chad L. Aldis
Given the chance, half of adults would change something about their education
Robert PondiscioBy Robert Pondiscio
Foreword: Interdistrict Open Enrollment in Ohio
Aaron Churchill , Chad L. AldisIn April, Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos toured the Van Wert school district in rural northwestern Ohio along with American Federation of Teachers President Randi Weingarten. In such sparsely populated communities, private and charter schools are usually scarce.
What Betsy DeVos should say about vouchers, LGBT rights, and religious liberty
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli
Mike Petrilli vs. Liz King on setting utopian goals in education reform
Michael J. PetrilliThe education reform movement is a big tent, which is particularly true when it comes to the idea of holding schools accountable for results. And, I would argue, the organizations that represent the extreme poles of that tent are the Thomas B. Fordham Institute on the right, and the Leadership Conference for Civil Rights on the left.
How should Ohio seek to improve its lowest achieving public schools?
NOTE: The Thomas B. Fordham Institute occasionally publishes guest commentaries on its blogs. The views expressed by guest authors do not necessarily reflect those of Fordham.
A discussion of where states are headed on ESSA accountability
Featuring Michael J. Petrilli, Linda Darling-Hammond, Liz King, Chris Minnich, and Caitlin Emma
The effects of a district receivership in Massachusetts
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.By Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.
Advice for Secretary DeVos from five public relations professionals
Michael J. PetrilliBy Michael J. Petrilli