Bis ovans triumphavi
tris egi curulis triumphos et appellatus sum viciens et semel imperator. Cum autem pluris triumphos mihi senatus decrevisset, iis supersedi. Laurum de fascibus deposui in Capitolio, votis quae quoque bello nuncupaveram solutis. Ob res a me aut per legatos meos auspicis meis terra marique prospere gestas quinquagiens et quinquiens decrevit senatus supplicandum esse dis immortalibus.
Broad Residency in Urban Education
The Broad Residency in Urban Education offers exceptional young leaders the opportunity to assume managerial positions in urban school districts across America. Training, job placement, mentorship, and competitive compensation are included in this two-year program.
Broad Urban Superintendents Academy
The Broad Urban Superintendents Academy, a rigorous, ten-month executive management program for aspiring school system leaders, seeks dynamic executives from the corporate, nonprofit, government, military, and education sectors who want to lead large urban school systems. Application deadlines are August 16 and September 13, 2004.
2004 Prizes for Excellence in Education
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation seeks nominations for its 2004 Prizes for Excellence in Education. Twin prizes of $25,000 each are awarded to researchers, policymakers, and/or practitioners who have done outstanding work in education reform in ways that accord with the Foundation's core principals.
Fordham Fellows
Do you want to work closely with the top names at some of the nation's preeminent education policy organizations? Do you want to translate classroom experience and insight into policy influence and innovation? If so, Fordham Fellows is for you.
Fordham Fellows returns!
Want to come to Washington for nine months, work in education policy, and make $25,000? We're now recruiting our next class of Fordham Fellows. Find all the information you need here.
Fordham Fellows! The deadline approaches!
Are you smart and interested in education policy? Want to come to Washington for nine months, work in a really interesting organization, meet everyone in town, and make $25,000? Click here to find out how, and hurry!
Fordham Prizes - Nomination deadline fast approaching!
*/ table.MsoNormalTable { } --> Friday, April 28, 2006 is the deadline for nominations for the 2007 Fordham Prizes for Excellence in Education. For more information on the prizes and how to nominate your outstanding candidate for this $25,000 award, please click here.
Help wanted
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation seeks a bookkeeper/administrative assistant. For details see
Job opening
The Florida Schools of Excellence Commission (FSEC) is looking for a new Executive Director. This position is not for the faint of heart; FSEC not only authorizes charter schools but authorizes charter school authorizers.
Job opening
Are you or someone you know trying to launch a career into policy? Education Sector may be looking for you to be their new Research Assistant! You'd get to work with some of Ed Sector's great minds, while conducting research and analysis on leading education issues.
Informing the Debate: Comparing Boston's Charter, Pilot, and Traditional Schools
A. Abdulkadiroglu, J. Angrist, S. Cohodes, S. Dynarski, J. Fullerton, T. Kane, P. PathakThe Boston FoundationJanuary 2009
Global Perspectives in the Geography Curriculum: Reviewing the Moral Case for Geography
Alex StandishRoutledge PublishersOctober 2008
A Public Education Primer: Basic (and Sometimes Surprising) Facts about the U.S. Education System
Center on Education Policy2006
College and Career-Ready: Using Outcome Data to Hold High Schools Accountable for Student Success
Chad AldemanEducation SectorJanuary 2010
So Much Reform, So Little Change: The Persistence of Failure in Urban Schools??
Charles M. PayneHarvard Education Press2008Charles M. PayneHarvard Education Press2008
You're Leaving? Succession and Sustainability in Charter Schools
Christine Campbell, You're Leaving? Succession and Sustainability in Charter Schools (Seattle, WA: National Charter School Research Project, Center on Reinventing Public Education, November 2010).
Bringing Evidence-Driven Progress to Education: A Recommended Strategy for the U.S. Department of Education
Coalition for Evidence-Based Policy and U.S. Department of EducationNovember 2002
Assessing the Effects of Voluntary Youth Service: The Case of Teach for America
Doug McAdam and Cynthia Brandt, Stanford UniversitySocial ForcesFebruary 2010
Race to the Top Round 1 Winners
Earlier this week, The Education Gladfly gained access to a confidential memo from Education Secretary Arne Duncan to White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emmanuel about the first round of Race to the Top. Due to its obvious implications for education policy, we reproduce it here in full.
Quality Counts 2010: Fresh Course, Swift Current--Momentum and Challenges in the New Surge Toward Common Standards
Editorial Projects in EducationJanuary 2010
NCLB's graduation rate regulations are flexible
Editor's Note: The following letter is in response to the Recommended Reading,"Measures of success," and podcast segment from the November 13, 2008 edition of the Education Gadfly.To the Editor:
Memo from the Superintendent
Editor's note: We found this letter from Dr. John J. Johnson, EdD., head of the Orange River Regional School District in Pitchfork, Tennessee, to be a particularly compelling depiction of the opportunities and hardships now facing school systems across the land. It is reprinted here in full, with Dr. J's permission.Dear Faculty and Staff,
Beehive state abuzz with secession talk
Withdrawing from NCLB was only the beginning for the Utah legislature, which voted unanimously this week to stand by its principles and formally withdraw from the Union. Utah House Speaker Greg Curtis, now to be known as Supreme Prophet, remarked in a press release that "We just really don't feel it is in our best interest to continue our partnership with the other 49 states.
Being honest about how tough ed reform is
Jamie Davies O'LearyI know I’m the last one to the party on this one but I just got around to seeing Waiting for Superman this weekend.
This week, Mike and Rick talk about NAEP, mayoral chartering, and lifetime health care. Fordham's own Eric Osberg tells us why teacher salaries are important, and Education News of the Weird is Last Tango in Paris? The Exorcist? Click here to listen through our website and view past editions.