Measuring diversity in charter school offerings
Diversity is important, but school quality ought to come first. Robert Pondiscio
Diversity is important, but school quality ought to come first. Robert Pondiscio
If it becomes law, the federal government will have much less power than it does today. Michael J. Petrilli
How school districts go underwater financially, and how to get them out. Marguerite Roza, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D., and Michael J. Petrilli
Increasing quality seats for Queen City students
Teaching success, one school leader at a time
School districts across the land are contending with rising education costs and constrained revenues. Yet state policies for assisting school districts in financial trouble are uneven and complex. Interventions are often haphazard, occur arbitrarily, and routinely place politics over sound economics.
The example of a D.C. partnership that shows promise but needs more data. Clara Allen
More money on professional development does not equal better teaching. Alyssa Schwenk
Not much good news to share here; nor is there ever on this topic! Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.
Chris Christie leads with his chin; an outbreak of candor in Gotham; and why debt-free college is a sense-free idea. The Education Gadfly
Privileged outliers get media attention, while far greater numbers of kids live inactive and unchallenged lives. Robert Pondiscio
The College Board listened—and set AP U.S. History right. Chester E. Finn, Jr.
Sponsors must be able to close underperforming schools
I’ve always appreciated Andy Smarick’s efforts to create a new vision for urban school districts, but his recent piece about the importance of data in education strikes an especially resonant chord. Understanding the context where we preach our policy “scripture” is pivotal if our ultimate goal is to improve children’s opportunities.
The Education Gadfly
Cooperation and communication are more important than structure. Damien Schuster
The potential for customization is no bull. Kevin Mahnken
Poor kids get worse teachers, however you define them. Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.
For years, I worried that I was auditioning to be the Edward Gibbon of urban Catholic schooling, chronicling the decline and fall of an invaluable, sprawling institution.
Let’s not break those things about Catholic schools that make them effective. Kathleen Porter Magee
Charter reform in the state budget
Earlier this year, Forbes released a celebration of edu-wunderkinds, its “30 under 30” in education. Reading the descriptions of their innovative, tech-focused work made me feel totally old and out of touch. Though we’re separated by only 10–15 years, the gap in worldview felt enormous.
The Education Gadfly
CTE works, but some programs are better than others. James White
Step one: Teach the math. Step two: Have the students practice it. Step three: There is no step three. Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.
More of the same nonsense from TED talk superstar Sir Ken Robinson. Robert Pondiscio