Re: The wheels on the bus...carry an ad?
Michael J. PetrilliI LOVE this idea. Putting ads on the outside of school buses is a no-brainer. Municipal bus systems have been doing this for years, and since the advertising is targeting to people outside the vehicles--not kiddies on the inside--how can anyone complain?
The final stretch
Michael J. PetrilliToday marks the start of the sixth week of Fordham's pick-the-next-secretary-of-education daily tracking poll. It appears that President-Elect Obama is going to name every position down to national dog-catcher before he announces his selection to lead the Department of Education. Patience is a virtue and Obama is giving us a chance to practice it.
D.C. charters under the microscope
Eric OsbergOn Sunday the Washington Post launched a major series of articles about D.C. charter schools; a second installment appeared today and a third is coming. Unfortunately, it started with a regrettable front-page story examining the banking industry's involvement with D.C.
TNR: Obama could select a reform double-header
Michael J. PetrilliThe New Republic's Seyward Darby, she who penned this dynamite (as in explosive and as in very good) article about Linda Darling-Hammond, is reporting that a source is telling he
Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond, part three
Michael J. PetrilliIn our first installment of "Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond," we asked about a chapter she wrote in an anti-NCLB book.
It's Arne!
Michael J. PetrilliSometimes the conventional wisdom is right; President-Elect Barack Obama has selected Chicago schools CEO Arne Duncan as his secretary of education.?? Here's what our president, Chester E.
Learning from Louisiana
Stafford PalmieriA new value-added study in Louisiana has found that teachers certified under non-traditional programs, The New Teacher Project's training program in particular, are more likely to be effective.
Linda Darling-Hammond strikes back
Michael J. PetrilliIn a letter to the New York Times, LDH takes issue with David Brooks' (and others') depiction of her as a non-reformer:
Is NCLB-style education reform liberal, centrist, or conservative?
Michael J. PetrilliWhat a confluence of events when Alfie Kohn, Matthew Yglesias, and Rick Hess take up that question all on the same day.
Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond, part two
Michael J. PetrilliYesterday we launched our new feature, Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond.
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: For the affirmative
Michael J. PetrilliMike Smith got it started by asking how many audience members had health insurance, had brought their kids to the pediatrician or the dentist, etc. And he said that just miles from here, kids die "every day" from complications from cavities. (OK, that's hyperbole, but we'll let it pass.)
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: For the negative
Michael J. PetrilliIt's Gene Hickok's turn. (Nice professorial glasses and sweater vest, Gene!) Of course, he says, there's a relationship between all of these social factors and achievement. That's why we were so focused on No Child Left Behind. "Disadvantaged kids are at a disadvantage," he admits.??(What's the opposite of hyperbole?)
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: The accountability question
Michael J. PetrilliThe "affirmative" team insists that the broader/bolder manifesto signers are completely committed to holding schools accountable. And the "negative" team didn't disagree. Darn.
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: The so-so debate
Michael J. PetrilliSo some friends of mine asked me why we didn't pit the "broader/bolder" folks against the "educational equity" folks. You know, an intra-Democratic party brawl? The real answer was that we were worried that it would turn into a non-debate. Everyone would agree that we should both fight the war on poverty AND work on school reform.
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: And the winner is...
Michael J. PetrilliNeither team. By audience applause, and Checker's verdict, it's declared a tie.
Stats stud's return
Stats stud Mark Schneider of the American Institutes for Research graced our studio for the latest Education Gadfly Show podcast episode, now available here.
Checker on India's education system, now on
Checker recently visited schools in the slums of Hyderabad, India, where low-budget private schools are educating kids--and doing a pretty good job.
New Feature! Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond
Michael J. PetrilliLast week's spate of articles and
The Bennet surge
Michael J. PetrilliDenver schools superintendent Michael Bennet* is racing ahead of his competitors for the Arne-alternative spot in our pick-the-next-education-secretary daily tracking poll of education insiders.
Coming soon: Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate!
Michael J. PetrilliThis afternoon at 4:30 Fordham is hosting our second "Great Debate," this one on the "Broader/Bolder" manifesto. (Video of our first Great Debate is here.) Combatants (I mean participants) include:
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: Talking points
Michael J. PetrilliThe debate is about to begin. What to watch for? Will Mike Smith and Peter Edelman make it clear that they support test-based accountability? Or will they argue that since "schools alone" can't close the achievement gap, "schools alone" shouldn't be held accountable?
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: Rebuttal time
Michael J. PetrilliPeter Edelman just had the best line so far: "I go home every night to a household where the term "leave no child behind" originated." (Referring, of course, to his wife Marian Wright Edelman and her work??leading the Children's Defense Fund.) Edelman: Our society hasn't been living up to our ideals for the past forty years in terms of reaching??out to the neediest.
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: Let's talk about sex
Michael J. PetrilliDoug Besharov is flummoxed. He was going to rebut the broader/bolder manifesto by going left...but Edelman just went SO FAR LEFT that it's going to be tough! His question: In a stimulus package, or in the federal budget, where does the last dollar go? Should it go to the schools or to these other social services?
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: Lefties infiltrating charter schools
Michael J. PetrilliMike Smith just mentioned that his wife is the principal of a high-poverty charter school. Peter Edelman already mentioned that his son* works on charter school issues for Arne Duncan. Is it just me or is working in a charter school the new badge of a true progressive? Hooray for charter schools!
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: We have a new ed sec contender!
Michael J. PetrilliMike Smith and Peter Edelman have announced that they are going to be the next education secretary. (They plan to job-share.)
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: The asthma question
Michael J. PetrilliJoel Packer of the NEA wants to know if we should expand the idea of accountability under NCLB. For example, should schools and social services agencies be held accountable for making sure kids get their asthma medicine?
Live blogging Fordham's Great Debate: Closing statements
Michael J. PetrilliPeter Edelman urges us to fight poverty. We're a wealthy nation, after all. Doug Besharov points out that the best way to fight poverty is through better education. And we ought to learn what works best under what conditions. So if there's not enough money for everything, let's spend money wisely, do solid research,??and learn something from it. And that's a wrap.