Can rocks look around?
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="375" caption="Rocks in a window can't enjoy the view - or can they?"][/caption]
[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="375" caption="Rocks in a window can't enjoy the view - or can they?"][/caption]
My wife Luana, who's Brazilian, enrolled Monday in Kaplan's intensive English as Second Language (ESL) program, at their campus here on M St. in DC. Yesterday, when she arrived for her first real class, the teacher was maintaining the classroom in complete silence. No hello, no introductions, no icebreaker games, just silence.
"This is one of the criteria to be in the Race to the Top game. So, if we're going to be in the game, let's be in the game." ??? Fran Millar, Georgia House Education Committee Vice Chair
?This is one of the criteria to be in the Race to the Top game. So, if we're going to be in the game, let's be in the game.? ? Fran Millar, Georgia House Education Committee Vice Chair
Even if it's not statewide, there's an example of a functional Florida local education agency (LEA) already using merit pay.
Even if it's not statewide, there's an example of a functional Florida local education agency (LEA) already using merit pay.
Seldom do stakeholder committees convened by state departments of education put forward truly bold recommendations. Instead, their reports are too often full of requests for more money and status quo-friendly ???reforms.???
Seldom do stakeholder committees convened by state departments of education put forward truly bold recommendations. Instead, their reports are too often full of requests for more money and status quo-friendly ?reforms.?
Very important legal??developments in Detroit Charters, special education, and New Orleans
Very important legal?developments in Detroit Charters, special education, and New Orleans
"In a lot of respects, what the Regents have done is the ghost of Christmas future. Education schools are on the verge of losing their franchise." ??? Arthur Levine, President, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund
?In a lot of respects, what the Regents have done is the ghost of Christmas future. Education schools are on the verge of losing their franchise.? ? Arthur Levine, President, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund
The admirable Democrats for Education Reform has launched a smart and important collection of papers they're calling Race Smarter briefs.
My enormous disappointment with Florida Governor Charlie Crist's decision last week on SB6 raises a very important question, especially for those of us on the right:??Who's the leading Republican office-holder today on K-12 education issues?
Forget Billy Mays- Public-Mad Mike Petrilli is the new pitch man for Teacher-B-Gone Safety System???.
Last Chance! Take the Education Gadfly Redesign Survey and make the Gadfly even better! We're still on the hunt for your feedback. Got ten minutes? Take our survey.
Last Chance! Take the Education Gadfly Redesign Survey and make the Gadfly even better! We're still on the hunt for your feedback. Got ten minutes? Take our survey.
???Together, we and the UFT are saying enough is enough.?? No more rubber rooms.?? They aren't good for anyone.?? Not for teachers, not for students, not for schools.??? ???Joel Klein, New York City Schools Chancellor
?Together, we and the UFT are saying enough is enough.? No more rubber rooms.? They aren't good for anyone.? Not for teachers, not for students, not for schools.? ?Joel Klein, New York City Schools Chancellor
Today's decision by Florida Governor Charlie Crist to veto valuable teacher reform legislation is the most disappointing education policy decision by a major Republican officeholder in recent memory.
Today's decision by Florida Governor Charlie Crist to veto valuable teacher reform legislation is the most disappointing education policy decision by a major Republican officeholder in recent memory.
Today is a useful reminder of just how powerful teachers unions can be--even in "right to work" states. I predict that Crist's decision will energize reformers in Florida and throughout the country, and a politician's position on tenure reform will become a litmus test, just as support for charter schools has been.
Today is a useful reminder of just how powerful teachers unions can be?even in ?right to work? states. I predict that Crist's decision will energize reformers in Florida and throughout the country, and a politician's position on tenure reform will become a litmus test, just as support for charter schools has been.
As many of my colleagues explained, there were lots of reasons for Crist to back Florida's teacher evaluation bill. Unfortunately Crist doesn't read Flypaper--or head the very pleas of his own legislature, which passed the bill in both houses.
???It is brutal out there, really scary. This is a real emergency. What we're trying to avert is an education catastrophe.??? ???Arne Duncan, Education Secretary
?It is brutal out there, really scary. This is a real emergency. What we're trying to avert is an education catastrophe.? ?Arne Duncan, Education Secretary
Are you against violence toward animals? Well you have an advocate in Hartford, Connecticut, where that state’s legislature is contemplating a bill that would allow students to complete science-class animal dissections virtually. Should students be forced to cut open that lifeless piglet or innocent frog to learn about their anatomy? The battle lines are drawn.
Be forewarned: It’s going to take me a while to get to my main argument. I hope you agree it’s worth the wait.
In one Utah school district, students must say adios to earning extra credit through Facebook gifts (yes, there are such things) for their Spanish teacher. Granite School District wants to be the first in Utah to formally ban student-teacher friendships on the popular social networking site. Students and teachers won’t even be allowed to follow each other on Twitter.