Make room, test scores: Introducing “indicators of high school and middle school readiness”
Our latest study pilots a new measure of a school’s quality: its contribution to students’ grade point averages at their next school. It sends a clear message to educators that one of their core missions is to help their graduates succeed in their next step—not just in reading and math, but in all subjects—and not just on tests, but on the stuff that tests struggle to capture.
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 2.20.2025

Hiding in plain sight: Advancing SEL by tackling today’s urgent problems
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.29.2020

Using screen-time to boost children’s science and engineering knowledge
Brandon L. Wright 1.29.2020

The case for focusing SEL on social-network building
Tran Le 1.29.2020

The Education Gadfly Show: School Choice Week 2020
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Mike Magee, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.29.2020

Espinoza and the myth of values-neutral schooling
Dale Chu 1.23.2020

What American education could buy with a larger investment in research and development
Michael J. Petrilli 1.22.2020

Rekindling confidence in key institutions, schools included
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.22.2020

Reader’s workshop: The science denial curriculum
Robert Pondiscio 1.22.2020

D.C. continues to improve its teacher evaluation system
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.22.2020

School Improvement Grants worked well—at least in these four locales
Jessica Poiner 1.22.2020

The Education Gadfly Show: Research Deep Dive—School discipline reform
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Matthew Steinberg 1.21.2020

The real history of school desegregation, from 1954 to the present
R. Shep Melnick 1.17.2020