Gadfly Bites 11/4/19 – It’s your choice, apparently
Jeff Murray11.4.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
2019 WONKATHON THIRD-PLACE ENTRY: Follow schools’ leads to embrace personalized learning and academic rigor
Gwen Baker, Lauren Schwartze, Bonnie O'Keefe11.4.2019
To help students who are several “grade levels” behind in reading, focus on building—and assessing—students’ knowledge
Natalie Wexler11.4.2019
To help students who are several grade levels behind, implement IEPs in elementary and middle school
Charles Ogundimu, Ph.D.11.1.2019
Low-income students are profoundly underrepresented in gifted programs
Jason A. Grissom, Christopher Redding, Joshua F. Bleiberg11.1.2019
NationalThe High Flyer
On our Nation’s Report Card, strong leadership gets an “A”
Mike Magee11.1.2019
Ohio Charter News Weekly – 11.1.19
Chad L. Aldis, Jeff Murray11.1.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
Gadfly Bites 11/1/19 – Hot in Cincinnati (and Cleveland too)
Jeff Murray11.1.2019
OhioOhio Gadfly Daily
2019 WONKATHON WINNER: Beyond the binary: We can foster equity in both opportunity and outcomes
Abby Javurek10.31.2019
On NAEP, bright spots amidst the gloom
Michael J. Petrilli10.30.2019
Classroom content: A conservative conundrum
Robert Pondiscio10.30.2019