What do you think ??? second half of the charter school bargain?
The National Association of Charter School Authorizers recently issued its latest annual report on the policies and practices of the nation's charter authorizers (see Kathryn's review
The National Association of Charter School Authorizers recently issued its latest annual report on the policies and practices of the nation's charter authorizers (see Kathryn's review
Secretary of Education Arne Duncan has been all over the news recently, exhibiting his ravenous desire to learn l
The Archdiocese of Baltimore, which has lost 40 percent of its schools in the last decade, has a new plan for stopping the decline. It includes some good ideas and some straighter-than-usual talk about quality. ?Andy Smarick
Earlier this month, Mathematica released a study on the results of a TAP program underway in Chicago (Amber writes it up here).
Tuesday, the Cleveland Teachers Union (CTU) filed suit against the district for requiring dismissed teachers to reapply for jobs, as it breaches their contract.
A few weeks ago the edu-documentary The Cartel had a showing here in Columbus.
I just happened to be reading the latest Metlife Survey of the American Teacher, and came across this fascinating chart:
Feel like walking out, as New York students recently did, on the National Standards debate?
Usually when we talk about the ?international? side of education, it's to bemoan that we're slipping behind our foreign competitors. PISA! TIMSS! Our students aren't learning any math or science! I'm kind of bored with this line of reasoning.
?Educators feel that their schools' reputation, their livelihoods, their psychic meaning in life is at stake.? ? Robert Schaeffer, Public Education Director for FairTest, a non-profit group critical of standardized testing
Watch the latest news video at video.foxnews.com Mike appeared on Fox & Friends this morning to talk about districts cutting the school week in the face of budget shortfalls. What do you think?
Want to hear Thomas B. Fordham Institute's Mike Petrilli's response to Jay P. Greene's blog bullying about national standards?
Check out the all new Gadfly here, and don't miss this Short Review by Fordham's research director Amber. She takes a look at the TAP merit pay program in Chicago, one of the federally-funded teacher performance schemes. Unfortunately, not much doing in Chi-Town, or anywhere else for that matter.
?Early childhood education is one of the most effective ways to close the achievement gap, which we know occurs well before kindergarten.? ? Amy O'Leary, Director of the Early Education for All Campaign
Steven Glazerman and Allison SeifullahMathematica Policy ResearchMay 2010
Private school enrollments tend to ebb and flow with the economy. And so fall 2009 private school numbers expectedly dipped in response to 2008’s economic downturn. But fall 2010 might be another story.
English is a complicated and often counterintuitive language. “I” before “e” except after “c” and when it sounds like “a,” as in neighbor and weigh? A group of phonetics die-hards agree.
How serious are we about preparing everyone for college? This is perhaps the most widely avoided question in American education. It’s politically dangerous. Merely asking it seems to raise doubts about our core belief in equal opportunity. And it sounds crabby, cranky, arrogant, and classist.
Bryan Hassel and Emily HasselPublic ImpactJune 2010
Last year we criticized Roland Fryer’s “pay for performance” programs in part because kids were getting mixed messages about incentives. Should we really pay youngsters for doing things they already should be doing?
David N. Figlio and Cassandra M.D. HartNational Bureau of Economic ResearchJune 2010
Detroit mayor wants control of schools. I bet he gets it. McNeil continues to follow the important and troubling RTT?side deals issue.
Jay Greene is upset that nobody has addressed his concerns about the Common Core State Standards initiative.
I'm a bit behind on my reading, but did you hear the good news last Friday? The unemployment rate dipped last month, with over 400,000 non-agricultural jobs added, the largest bump in 10 years!
?Any time you tell the complete story, the accurate story of history, some people are not going to be happy.? ? Jonathan M. Seinz, Director of Legislative Affairs, Liberty Institute of Plano, Texas
Shannon Marsh and Paul HillCenter on Reinventing Public EducationMay 2010
The State Board of Education voted unanimously Monday to adopt the Common Core State Standards for English language arts and math, an action we’ve lauded as a smart move for Ohio’s youngsters.
Andrew Boy, founder and co-director of Columbus Collegiate Academy (one of Fordham’s six sponsored schools), was recently selected for Columbus Business First’s “Forty Under 40,” a highly selective award that recognizes young professionals who are not only outstanding at their jobs, but have also made a difference
When it comes to performance in the classroom, Teach For America corps members measured up well against traditionally prepared teachers who had graduated from the University of North Carolina, according to a UNC study released in April.