Make room, test scores: Introducing “indicators of high school and middle school readiness”
Our latest study pilots a new measure of a school’s quality: its contribution to students’ grade point averages at their next school. It sends a clear message to educators that one of their core missions is to help their graduates succeed in their next step—not just in reading and math, but in all subjects—and not just on tests, but on the stuff that tests struggle to capture.
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 2.20.2025

A nation at hope (sic)
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.16.2019

Practicing humility when it comes to evidence-based practice
Michael J. Petrilli 1.16.2019

The Education Gadfly Show: School choice’s hopeful new year
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.16.2019

Reflecting on Education Week's 10 Big Ideas of 2019
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.16.2019

ESSA seeks a well-rounded education. Louisiana seeks partners to explore new measures.
Jessica Baghian 1.15.2019

Restorative justice isn't working, but that's not what the media is reporting
Max Eden 1.14.2019

Which candidate would you want your child's school named after?
Robert Pondiscio 1.11.2019

The room where it happens: Changing students’ college outcomes by changing their self-perception
Kevin Teasley 1.10.2019

The Education Gadfly Show: Federal education policy in 2019
Michael J. Petrilli, David Griffith, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 1.9.2019

Unsolicited advice for discipline reformers—from a wannabe
David Griffith 1.9.2019

How to get schools to use practices that work
Michael J. Petrilli 1.9.2019

Rekindling moral education: A worthy challenge for schools of choice
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 1.9.2019