Make room, test scores: Introducing “indicators of high school and middle school readiness”
Our latest study pilots a new measure of a school’s quality: its contribution to students’ grade point averages at their next school. It sends a clear message to educators that one of their core missions is to help their graduates succeed in their next step—not just in reading and math, but in all subjects—and not just on tests, but on the stuff that tests struggle to capture.
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 2.20.2025

Why I would never opt my kids out of tests
Erika Sanzi 4.23.2018

The broad, long-term success of DC public charter schools
Scott Pearson 4.23.2018

Yes, impacts on test scores matter
Michael J. Petrilli 4.20.2018

Findings about school choice programs shouldn't be applied to individual schools
Michael J. Petrilli 4.19.2018

Three education reform ideas for wannabe governors
Michael J. Petrilli 4.18.2018

Can social studies get even worse?
Chester E. Finn, Jr. 4.18.2018

Keep what's valuable in the discipline guidance—but drop the racial quotas
Michael J. Petrilli 4.18.2018

A better curriculum in the Bayou State
Michael J. Petrilli, Robert Pondiscio, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 4.18.2018

No, the new GAO report on discipline doesn't prove racial disparities are caused predominantly by racial bias
David Griffith 4.18.2018

How victims of child maltreatment fare in school
Anthony Nguyen 4.18.2018

For the vast majority of school choice studies, short- and long-term impacts point in the same direction
Michael J. Petrilli 4.17.2018

Improving education policy by looking beyond the "experts"
Erika Sanzi 4.17.2018