First bell: 8-31-12
A first look at this morning's education news: Jeb talked ed reform, the GOP is divided on Common Core, and more
A first look at this morning's education news: Jeb talked ed reform, the GOP is divided on Common Core, and more
The plight of low-performing students dominates our education news and policies. Yet America’s high flyers demand innovative, rigorous schooling as well, particularly if the country is to sharpen its economic and scientific edge. Motivated, high-ability youngsters can be served in myriad ways by public education, including schools that specialize in them. In a new book from Princeton University Press, Exam Schools: Inside America's Most Selective Public High Schools, co-authors Chester Finn and Jessica Hockett identify 165 such high schools across America. In this Fordham LIVE! conversation, they and others will examine some of the issues that selective-admission public high schools pose. Who attends them? How are their students selected? Are such schools the future of gifted education or do they unfairly advantage a select few at the expense of most students? Just how different are they, anyway?
A first look at today's education news: Virginia starts over with its NCLB-waiver goals, California looks to overhaul pensions, and more
Let there be controversy
Keeping ethics and results aligned
A first look at this morning's education news: Chris Christie takes on teacher unions at the RNC, the GOP's education platform is out, and more
This groundbreaking study uses the largest database of information on special education spending and staffing ever assembled to uncover significant variance in how districts staff for special education. The report concludes that if the high-spending districts studied reduce their staffing in this area to the national median the public could save $10 billion and offers clear recommendations for improving special-education quality and efficiency.
A first look at the education news from the weekend and this morning
A year ago, I compiled a list of the top education policy tweeters, as measured by Here's the latest and greatest list, circa 2012.
A first look at today's education news: Obama challenges Romney on edu-spending, CA students make the grade, and more
Gifted education, selective public schools, and the troubles of one of America's best high schools
A first look at today's education news: the PDK / Gallup poll is out, the Obama campaign releases an education ad, and more.
A first look at today's education news: Obama takes on the Ryan education plan, Ohio delays the release of report cards, and more.
Just as Scott Walker’s purportedly “anti-educator” reforms freed up money in his state for more spending in the classroom, so would Paul Ryan’s “radical” reforms free up money for education nationwide.
A first look at education news from the weekend and this morning: Obama on teacher jobs, the latest in the Adelanto saga, and upscale Catholic schools.
Does the U.S. produce more elite athletes or high-performing students?
Findings from Fordham's latest: How Americans Would Slim Down Public Education
The latest report from the Civil Rights Project draws some incorrect conclusions.
Findings from Fordham's latest: How Americans Would Slim Down Public Education