Education news nuggets
Even if it's not statewide, there's an example of a functional Florida local education agency (LEA) already using merit pay.
Education news nuggets
Even if it's not statewide, there's an example of a functional Florida local education agency (LEA) already using merit pay.
MD's vision on failing schools
Seldom do stakeholder committees convened by state departments of education put forward truly bold recommendations. Instead, their reports are too often full of requests for more money and status quo-friendly ???reforms.???
MD's vision on failing schools
Seldom do stakeholder committees convened by state departments of education put forward truly bold recommendations. Instead, their reports are too often full of requests for more money and status quo-friendly ?reforms.?
Odds and ends
Very important legal??developments in Detroit Charters, special education, and New Orleans
Odds and ends
Very important legal?developments in Detroit Charters, special education, and New Orleans
Quotable and notable
"In a lot of respects, what the Regents have done is the ghost of Christmas future. Education schools are on the verge of losing their franchise." ??? Arthur Levine, President, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund
Quotable and notable
?In a lot of respects, what the Regents have done is the ghost of Christmas future. Education schools are on the verge of losing their franchise.? ? Arthur Levine, President, Woodrow Wilson National Fellowship Fund
Training advice from DFER
The admirable Democrats for Education Reform has launched a smart and important collection of papers they're calling Race Smarter briefs.
Will Jindal provide GOP educational leadership?
My enormous disappointment with Florida Governor Charlie Crist's decision last week on SB6 raises a very important question, especially for those of us on the right:??Who's the leading Republican office-holder today on K-12 education issues?