Massive student loan forgiveness would be a lost opportunity to help needy Americans
Michael J. PetrilliIt’s not surprising that most of the arguments against widespread student loan forgiveness are coming from the political right, given that the idea itself gained prominence during the 2020 presidential campaigns of Senators Bernie Sander
Literacy is equity
Robert PondiscioAny discussion about “equity” in education that is not first and foremost a discussion about literacy is unserious.
How much does student motivation affect student outcomes?
Adam Tyner, Ph.D.Why do some students succeed and others lag behind? This is, of course, a central question in education policy.
What drives racial gaps in special education identification?
Melissa GutweinRecent work published in the Journal of Labor Economics examines how school segregation may be related to racial gaps in special education identification.
What we're reading this week: February 11, 2021
The Education Gadfly“A year into the pandemic, thousands of students still can't get reliable WiFi for school.” —USA Today In three states, legislators are introducing bills to ban the use of the controversial 1619 Project curriculum, which frames the nation’s history aro