Make room, test scores: Introducing “indicators of high school and middle school readiness”
Our latest study pilots a new measure of a school’s quality: its contribution to students’ grade point averages at their next school. It sends a clear message to educators that one of their core missions is to help their graduates succeed in their next step—not just in reading and math, but in all subjects—and not just on tests, but on the stuff that tests struggle to capture.
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 2.20.2025

Let's expect more from our high schools
Laura Jimenez, Scott Sargrad 3.12.2018

The special-education graduation conundrum
Sivan Tuchman, Robin Lake 3.12.2018

High school reimagined (and we truly mean reimagined)
Jessica Shopoff, M.Ed, Chase Eskelsen, M.Ed 3.9.2018

Reformer, heal thyself. You've ruined high school.
Max Eden 3.9.2018

In reconsidering the high school diploma, don't overlook dropouts
Alex Medler 3.8.2018

Graduation rates are not the real scandal. High school diplomas and how they are earned are.
Quentin Suffren 3.8.2018

Ed reform's past, present, and future
Brandon L. Wright, Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 3.7.2018

National achievement trends to watch when new NAEP scores are released next month (complete with 35 charts!)
Michael J. Petrilli, Nicholas Munyan-Penney 3.7.2018

Can we handle the truth about student discipline issues and their potential consequences?
Erika Sanzi 3.7.2018

The promising career prospects of (some) liberal arts graduates
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D. 3.7.2018

Factors that help disadvantaged students beat the odds: Evidence from PISA
Anthony Nguyen 3.7.2018

Make high school relevant again
John Legg, Travis Pillow 3.7.2018