Implementing ESSA: What to expect in 2016
The bill is signed, the law is enacted, the debates are a fading memory. Now a new phase of the fight begins. Join Mike Petrilli of the Thomas B.
The bill is signed, the law is enacted, the debates are a fading memory. Now a new phase of the fight begins. Join Mike Petrilli of the Thomas B.
With almost half of its students attending charter schools, Washington, D.C. is one the leading school-choice cities in the nation.
When underprepared students enter postsecondary education, they face steep odds; Ninety percent of individuals who start community college in remedial courses leave without any sort of credential. And for low-income students, who make up 70 percent of those taking remedial courses, the odds are truly devastating.
Fordham President Mike Petrilli moderates a panel with the leaders of turnaround districts operating in Louisiana, Tennessee, and Michigan.
Fordham President Mike Petrilli talks with the TNTP helmsman about the organization’s future and the role of teacher evaluation in education reform.
So-called “turnaround school districts,” inspired by Louisiana’s Recovery School District and its near-clone in Tennessee, have been gathering steam, with policymakers calling for them in Georgia, Pennsylvania, and other states scattered from coast to coast.
The Harvard political scientist discusses his new book and how education reform can help disadvantaged kids.
A panel of experts discuss our recent study on school closures.
Gregg Toppo talks about his new book The Game Believes in You: How Digital Play Can Make Our Kids Smarter.
Jonathan Plucker, Rena Subotnik, and Tricia Ebner discuss what the new standards portend for high achievers.
Testing, accountability, and the new ESEA.
A daylong investigation into the role education can—and must—play in promoting upward mobility.
What does school leadership development in England look like, how is it changing, and what can other countries learn from the English approach?
Twenty-six state-by-state rankings of charter school quality, growth, and innovation.
Fordham's Mike Petrilli and AEI's Mike McShane discuss the growth of Vergara-like fights nationwide and the pros and cons of taking the tenure debate to the courts.
This is a conversation and discussion with Elizabeth Green on new book, Building a Better Teacher: How Teaching Works (and How to Teach It to Everyone).
Richard Whitmire’s forthcoming book, On the Rocketship: How Top Charter Schools are Pushing the Envelope, is “the best account yet of what is happening with charters,” says the
Fordham's Mike Petrilli and AEI's Mike McShane talk the future of Common Core. With Indiana, South Carolina, and Oklahoma backtracking from these standards, what's next in this political fight?
Join Fordham's Mike Petrilli and AEI's Mike McShane for a livestream event on the future of Common Core.
The Fordham Institute's National Policy Director, Michael Brickman explains the benefits of course choice and the implications for students.
Michelle Gininger highlights a few moments from the Fordham LIVE discussion State Education Agencies: The Smaller the Better? Watch the full event.
In the era of Race to the Top, waivers, and waivers of waivers, the role of state education agencies (SEAs) has increased dramatically: taking on school turnarounds, teacher-evaluation systems, and now Common Core implementation.
A discussion on the merits and pitfalls of "controlled choice" Join the discussion on our website or on Twitter #ControlledChoice.
A discussion on the merits and pitfalls of "controlled choice" Join the discussion on our website or on Twitter #ControlledChoice.
Preparation is key to any successful team’s run to the playoffs and a World Series championship. Spring training gets players in game shape. Teams play exhibition games, trying out prospects and going through different scenarios to be as prepared as possible before the season gets underway.