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If you couldn’t tune in or attend last week’s event on school choice—featuring Paul Hill and Paul Peterson—you can watch the event video online now. Find it here.
If you couldn’t tune in or attend last week’s event on school choice—featuring Paul Hill and Paul Peterson—you can watch the event video online now. Find it here.
Education has oft been dubbed “the civil rights struggle of our generation” but many critics (including Rod Paige) have faulted U.S. civil rights leadership for their indifference to it. Wonder where the NAACP stands on issues like merit pay and charter schools? Head to AEI’s November 4 event featuring keynote speaker Benjamin Jealous from 4:00 to 5:30 PM to find out.
In the last Ohio Education Gadfly, we said that as many as 80 percent of 21th century jobs would require a four-year college degree. The U.S. Department of Labor tracks the fastest growing jobs in America. Its figures say that 60 to 80 percent of new jobs will require some form of post-secondary education, not invariably a four-year degree.
If can't make today's debate at Fordham about the "Broader, Bolder" manifesto, don't fret. The video will be posted early tomorrow morning on our homepage for your viewing pleasure.
It's almost here--the second installment in our Great Debate series.
On Tuesday, September 5, you can learn more about educational entrepreneurship at AEI thanks to a glittering panel that includes Michael Feinberg, cofounder of KIPP; Michelle Rhee, CEO and president of The New Teacher Project; and Chris Whittle, founder and CEO of Edison Schools.
Checker's desk is overflowing, his in-box bulging and his phone ringing off the hook. He needs a keen, compulsive and tireless executive assistant who knows the difference between in- and out-boxes and the difference between Howard Fuller, Howard Gardner and Howard University. Extraordinary candidates urgently sought.
Much has been written about spectacular charter school blow-ups that have cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This week, Mike and guest host Dave Deschryver discuss Rheeform in D.C., rewarding kids, and something about automatons.
The National Alliance for Public Charter Schools has just released a research brief dispelling myths about how charter schools are a financial drain on districts and communities. Check it out here.
In late March, from the warm ashes of the Charter Friends National Network, the National Charter School Alliance was launched under the leadership of board chairman Howard Fuller and president Marc Dean Millot.
The office here at 1016 looks a wee bit different than it did a few months ago. We’ve got new faces, new hairstyles, and staffers wearing new hats. Read our press release explaining the differences, or stop by and say hello.
The Milton and Rose D. Friedman Foundation seeks a Senior Research Associate, who will conduct and publish original research and media commentary on school choice, assist in managing research projects, and perform other research-related support activities. A graduate degree in social science is required.
A couple of fine new studies attest to the importance of quality instruction for preschoolers—and the dizzying (“stunning” says one research team) range of bad-to-excellent offerings in today’s early childhood programs and centers.
Achieve has just released today a new report, Out of Many One: Toward Rigorous Common Core Standards From the Ground Up. We'll give it next week the thorough treatment it deserves, but you may want to read it now.
Look out Eduwonk and Eduwonkette! Yesterday marked the much-heralded debut of Eduwonkit--a transsexual blogger who remains anonymous (although Gladfly is pretty sure he's spotted this individual, wearing assorted wigs, about town at various education gatherings).
This week at, read coverage from around the country on the latest Achieve, Inc. report: Do Graduation Tests Measure Up?
This week at, read coverage from around the country on the latest Achieve, Inc. report: Do Graduation Tests Measure Up?
This week, Mike and Rick discuss Fordham's latest and brightest treatise on data, Randi Weingarten's acclaimed speech at the National Press Club, and the appointment of Linda Darling-Hammond as transition team education advisor.
This week, Andy is back as guest co-host and joined by Rick. They discuss the New York Times debate on standardized tests, whether Race to the Top needs a lesson in humility, and the chutzpah of teacher unions recruiting members at successful charter schools.
The Bill of Rights Institute is seeking an experienced professional to manage and deliver their educational programs.
Mike and Janie argue over bipartisanship, explain findings from our recent report on ed schools, and second-guess President Obama. Amber messes with Texas, and Remmert counts slowly in Rate that Reform.
Don’t miss Janie’s inaugural turn in the co-host spot, as she and Mike debate: our new report, NJ’s supe salary cap, and Wake County’s re-segregation woes. Then Amber dives into the Brown Center report on the Harlem Children’s Zone, and Rate that Reform gives effort an F.
Young Education Professionals and Fordham are proud to bring you Jason Kamras, a former U.S. teacher of the year and now the D.C.
Florida is never sunnier than in June. And on the 19th and 20th of that month, the Foundation for Excellence in Education and the James Madison Institute are hosting the Excellence in Action Education Summit in Orlando at the Walt Disney Contemporary Resort (Disney's Anachronistic Resort is booked on the same days, we hear, by the NEA).
Are you an educator and an instructional leader who believes that allchildren can learn and be successful? Keys to Improving Dayton Schools isplanning to operate a high quality, high performing school, and we are nowlooking for people who want to be one of our Founding School Leaders. We
The American Enterprise Institute presents, on Thursday, March 15th at 3:45 p.m., a symposium--Why Johnny Doesn't Vote--that examines why young Americans are less and less engaged with civic participation. Rick Hess will moderate the event, judiciously, no doubt. Register here.