Human capital in Boston
This Gadfly story about human capital in Boston is worth lingering attention. Apart from the drama related to the report's release, it shows how policies and contracts can clearly--and tragically--inhibit a city's ability to improve the quality of its teaching corps.
Education news nuggets
If you thought the only ed story out of Rhode Island was Central Falls, think again.??
Quotable and notable
???It is a fundamental principle of the free market that when you infuse competition into any equation, you make it better.?? We are lacking any substantial competition in education.??? ???Virginia Del. C. Todd Gilbert, R-Shenandoah
Seeking American history
[caption id="" align="alignnone" width="500" caption="(Three girls stand against a wall in the Manzanar War Relocation Center in California, one of 10 U.S. camps that interned Japanese-Americans during World War II.)"][/caption]
Caprice Young - Fordham's newest board member
Chester E. Finn, Jr.The Board of Trustees of the Thomas B. Fordham Institute has elected Caprice Young as its newest member. An exceptional education reformer with extraordinarily wide-ranging experience, Ms.
UTLA gains control of 22 LA schools
Stafford PalmieriI've now gone from optimistic to doubtful to disappointed on the LAUSD outsourcing plan. If you recall, the district decided to outsource the management of 12 low-performing schools and 18 new ones. Teachers, parents, charter organizations, and other non-profits were invited to apply.
Quotable and notable
???While we have some excellent individual teachers, our students continue to be held back by a lack of quality education and by union leadership that puts their self-interests above the interests of the students.??? ???Don Carcieri, Governor of Rhode Island
The State of City Leadership for Children and Families
Daniela FairchildNational League of Cities; Institute for Youth, Education, and Families2009
Certifiably generous
Nevada is broke. But don’t worry, you can help--by purchasing one of Governor Jim Gibbons’ new Education Gift Certificates.
Fringe goes mainstream
Milwaukee Public Schools faces a conundrum that might be familiar to systems nationwide. The district needs to rein in exploding healthcare and retirement costs, but must overcome a recalcitrant teachers union, which has outsized influence on the school board.
Going to the Gallo(w)s
When Frances Gallo, Superintendent of Central Falls, Rhode Island, announced two weeks ago that she was going to fire all the teachers at the perennially failing Central Falls High School, teachers (not surprisingly) went ballistic.
One gutsy guy
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Is America’s civil-rights leadership looking out for the essential interests of African-American children? Former education secretary Rod Paige says no.
Human Capital in Boston Public Schools
Stafford PalmieriEmily Cohen, Aileen Corso, Valerie Franck, Bess Keller, Kate Kelliher, and Betsy McCorryNational Council on Teacher Quality and Massachusetts Business Alliance for EducationFebruary 2010
D.C. School Chooser 2010-2011: A K-12 Guide to Finding a Great School for Your Child
Janie ScullGreatSchoolsFebruary 2010
Why the AFT should be an afterthought
“How much attention should we pay to AFT?” queries Mike Antonucci. His answer: not much. Since the reign of Al Shanker, we’ve regarded the American Federation of Teachers as the more open-minded of the two national teachers’ unions.
Will the Common-Core standards prove safe and effective?
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Even though they still haven't seen the light of day in draft form, much less been joined by any assessments, the evolving "common core" standards project of the NGA and CCSSO is already being laden with heavier and heavier burdens.
Congressional charter hearing
There was a big charter school hearing today in the House. Though it was directly related to pending legislation designed to help great charters replicate and expand, the discussion covered the broad charter terrain. It was fascinating to listen to Members' questions and comments.
Education news nuggets
I pledge allegiance to Rod Paige's new book, which discusses the black-white achievement gap in pretty real terms.
Quotable and notable
"If the American Dream includes sending your kids to college, what is America saying to these parents?" ??? James T. Meeks, Baptist Minister, and voucher advocate
If you can't beat 'em, join 'em: Cleveland teachers union wants to organize charter schools
Emmy L. PartinSpeaking to reporters last month about the Cleveland Metropolitan School District’s Academic Transformation Plan, American Federation of Teachers (AFT) President Randi Weingarten warned that teachers need to be full partners
Teaching as Leadership: The Highly Effective Teacher's Guide to Closing the Achievement Gap
Steven Farr, Teach For AmericaFebruary 2010
Fordham's charter school sponsorship contract 2.0
Kathryn Mullen Upton, Terry RyanNext school year marks the Fordham Foundation’s fifth year as a charter school sponsor in Ohio. We currently have four schools up for renewal of their original sponsorship agreements (aka, charters).
Cincinnati: We'll sell you a school building, just don't use it for a school
Kathryn Mullen UptonCan a school district sell a school building and prohibit the buyer from opening a school in that building?
Expanding Choice in Elementary and Secondary Education: A Report on Rethinking the Federal Role in Education
The Brookings InstitutionFebruary 2010
When there is less of it, school funding should encourage innovation
Terry RyanNo one denies that Ohio’s economy is in crisis. The state’s current $50.5 billion biennial budget was made whole in 2009 by $8 billion in one-time federal Reinvestment and Recovery Act dollars and $2.4 billion in budget cuts. It is estimated that the state will face at least an $8 billion deficit in 2011 ($3.9 billion in FY2012 and $4 billion in FY2013).
What Clevelanders can learn from Columbus middle school principals
Columbus City middle school principals’ views about how well their schools operate diverge quite a bit from what state report cards say.
Weighing NY charter school and district school demographics
New York City's United Federation of Teachers (UFT) recently published a report in which it said the area's charter schools don't serve at least the district-wide average of neediest students, despite serving an overwhelmingly poor population.