Janet Napolitano moves into second place in the ed sec race
Michael J. Petrilliv\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} o\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} w\:* {behavior:url(#default#VML);} .shape {behavior:url(#default#VML);}
The Republican innovators take on the Democratic innovations
Michael J. PetrilliNormal 0 false false false
Will Obama kill education reform?
Stafford PalmieriIt's a good question. When he made Linda Darling-Hammond (cue: Mike groaning) his lead education advisor, we thought the odds were good.
The Financial Crisis and State/Local Defined Benefit Plans
Mike LaffertyCenter for Retirement Research, Boston CollegeNovember 2008
The Year in Review: Big changes in Fordham's charter-school profile
Terry Ryan, Kathryn MullenThe Thomas B. Fordham Foundation became a charter-school sponsor in September 2004 when we signed a sponsorship agreement with the Ohio State Board of Education to serve as a sponsor of no more than 30 schools statewide.
Former top teacher offers Ed Trust meeting ideas for better teaching
Emmy L. PartinOhio's worsening economy and powerful teacher unions make tough the prospect of reforming how teachers are trained, hired, paid, and fired in this state. If policymakers are serious about improving teacher quality, however, they'd do well to follow the advice of Jason Kamras. Kamras is a former Washington, D.C., middle-school teacher and National Teacher of the Year who now works as D.C.
about the Obamas' school choices
Chad Aldis, executive director of School Choice Ohio, has some thoughts on the Obama family's considerations concerning where to send their daughters to school in Washington, D.C.
Michael J. PetrilliFordham's newest book, A Byte at the Apple: Rethinking Education Data for the Post-NCLB Era, is now available for your reading pleasure.
Bill Richardson for Secretary of Education
Michael J. PetrilliFlypaper readers know that I've been partial to the selection of former North Carolina governor Jim Hunt as the n
Education insiders still think it's going to be Secretary Duncan
Michael J. PetrilliChicago superintendent Arne Duncan maintains his big lead today in our education insiders poll. Former South Carolina state superintendent Inez Tenenbaum has solidified her hold on the second-place spot, a proposition that makes libertarians nervous.
Put your money where your mouth is
Michael J. PetrilliLibby Sternberg, a writer and onetime Gadfly contributor, issued the right retort to Representative Pete Hoekstra*, not
It's the states, stupid
Michael J. PetrilliLast week I made the fairly obvious argument that GOP governors are the key to the Republican Party's renewal, including on the education issue.
Education secretary poll: New week, same results
Michael J. PetrilliOur ten Washington insiders are back at work today, making their predictions for who will lead the U.S. Department of Education. And not much changed over the weekend, though Arne Duncan has certainly solidified his overwhelming lead:
Reading the scholarship of our Fordham Scholar
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.Earlier this year, we ??tapped three young promising scholars for our new inaugural research grant program, known as the Fordham Scho
Disturbing news from the UK
Stafford PalmieriThe American testing system has often been blamed for the simplification of curriculum, the cutting of art, music, and physical education classes, and the decline of quality education overall. Perhaps a laser-like focus on reading and math has produced some unintended consequences but it's a far cry better than recent developments in the United Kingdom.
Similar sentiments
On Saturday, the Washington Post advised Barack and Michelle Obama that as they think about the pros and cons of various schools here in D.C., they might also want to keep in mind the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship Program, which gives District parents the same power of choice for their own kids.
The coming collapse of GOP support for No Child Left Behind
Michael J. PetrilliFor better or for worse, I believe that arguments such as this one from Representative Pete Hoekstra (R-MI), in a letter in yesterday's
DFERs aren't dummies
Michael J. PetrilliI've been mulling the decision by Democrats for Education Reform to suggest Chicago superintendent Arne Duncan as their top pick for education secretary. At first it seemed like the kiss of death for Duncan.
Worst case scenario
Michael J. PetrilliLinda Darling-Hammond, the darling of the teachers unions and ed schools, has been picked to head the education policy team for the Obama transition. This is change we can believe in?
Inez Tenenbaum jumps into second place in the race for 400 Maryland Avenue
Michael J. PetrilliIt's Day Five of Fordham's name-the-next-education-secretary-tracking-poll, and Chicago superintendent Arne Duncan has solidified his position as the top contender.
Step in time
Shine those instruments and start practicing: high school bands across the country thinking "Yes, we can" march in
Gates plan has some hot policy items, just not enough
Checker's weighing in on The Gates Foundation's new education strategy with an op-ed on Forbes.com.
GOP governors got game?
Michael J. PetrilliThe Washington Post has a front-page story today about the Republican Governors Association meeting being held in Florida this week.
Arne Duncan regains big lead in race for the education secretary job
Michael J. PetrilliIt looks like Jim Hunt convinced our panel that he doesn't want to move to Washington, because he's back in a distant second place behind Chicago schools superintendent (and
Best case scenario
Michael J. PetrilliDemocrats for Education Reform is circulating a document with its wish list for the transition, including suggestions for key education jobs in the Obama Administration. I read this as a guide to the positions the folks listed below would like for themselves.
Reader contest: Name the next secretary of education!
(Due to technical difficulties, we're giving everyone another chance to enter the name-the-next-education-secretary contest. If you already entered, please enter again).