Three Paths, One Destination: Standards-Based Reform in Maryland, Massachusetts and Texas
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Achieve, Inc.November 2002
California's Charter Schools: Oversight at All Levels Could be Stronger to Ensure Charter Schools' Accountability
Chester E. Finn, Jr.California State AuditorNovember 2002
Dashed hopes: a brief, depressing history of research restructurings
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Once upon a time, I helped to create a new federal entity called the National Institute of Education (NIE). As the junior-most education staffer in the White House during the early Nixon administration (functioning mainly an aide to Pat Moynihan, then Assistant to the President for Urban Affairs), I helped draft Richard Nixon's 1970 message to Congress, wherein the NIE was conceived.
Yale, Stanford drop early decision
Yale and Stanford universities last week became the most elite campuses to end the early decision process, whereby successful applicants must accept offers of admission months ahead of schedule, no matter where else they are eventually accepted.
Ph.D.'s turn toward public schools
In a tough job market, people with doctorates in other disciplines are seeking employment in K-12 education, trading the high-wire uncertainties of university teaching for the stability of public school tenure. While their numbers are still small - about 1.7 percent of teachers held doctorates in subjects other than education as of 1996 - they are believed to be growing.
Post-election policy watch
While pundits dissect last week's election results - two-thirds of all education measures on the ballot were approved - policymakers sweat over where to find the money for smaller classes, after-school programs, school construction and, in Florida, universal preschool.
Raising standards in Massachusetts is a group effort
As Massachusetts high school students who failed the MCAS gear up for re-tests, schools must "get smarter" about developing ways to help them pass, quote the Globe in a recent editorial.
Texas charter schools to close for poor academic performance
Texas education commissioner Felipe Alanis has ordered five charter schools in the Lone Star State (including two in Houston) to close by the end of the school year because they have failed for three years in a row to meet state standards. The closures would be the first to occur for purely academic reasons since the legislature authorized charters in 1995.
Top Chicago schools fail to close achievement gap, new analysis reveals
An analysis of new Illinois data revealed "startling disparities" between test scores of white and black students at some of the Chicago area's most esteemed suburban schools. Masked by strong average scores in years past, the disparities were forced to light by NCLB's mandate that schools disaggregate their performance data by race, income, etc.
What works?
Sunday's New York Times Magazine contained a brace of insightful pieces by crack journalist James Traub.
Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2002
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development2002
Leaving Safe Harbors: Toward a new progressivism in American education and public life
Terry RyanDennis Carlson2002
Tutor Quest: Finding Effective Education for Children and Adults
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Edward E. GordonSeptember 2002
Homeowners, Property Values, and the Political Economy of the School Voucher
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Eric Brunner and Jon Sonstelie, National Center for the Study of Privatization in Education, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityOctober 2002
After trying vouchers, some return to Florida's public schools
Since the beginning of the school year, more than a quarter of voucher students in Miami-Dade County have returned to public schools. The reasons most kids and parents cite for abandoning their new private schools? Transportation difficulties, too tough a curriculum, too-strict discipline, culture shock and a lack of familiarity with new teachers, peers and school grounds.
American Experiment Quarterly
The fall issue of American Experiment Quarterly (AEQ) contains a pair of pieces worth a look. The first is "The Making of Patriots," in which Leslie Lenkowsky, CEO of the Corporation for National and Community Service, explains what it will take to reverse civic decline and inculcate in today's young people an understanding and appreciation for our system of government.
Reforming schools in a civic vacuum
Watched by an oversight board and chief operating officer more powerful than the mayor, hundreds of millions of state tax dollars stand to flow through Camden, New Jersey - a city so forlorn that the drug trade may be its single largest employer - as part of a massive recovery plan and a state supreme court decision equalizing public-school funding.
Scholarship, admissions rules changing the face of public higher education
As their tuitions escalate, public colleges and universities are experimenting with formulas and incentives to attract strong students. For nearly a decade, Georgia has granted free tuition to high school graduates with a B or better average - regardless of financial need - to stop the brain drain of top students who left the state for college and never returned.
The United States of Italy
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Election post-mortems typically take three forms: congratulations to the winner for their success and efforts to understand what caused it; soul-searching among the losers; and prognostications by pundits about the legislative and policy agendas that await the new Congress, reconfigured state legislatures, governors, etc.
Understanding middle school reform
Few of America's thousands of middle schools are engaged in the "focused, demanding work necessary to serve all their students well," says veteran middle school analyst Hayes Mizell of the Edna McConnell Clark Foundation.
Easy, sleazy online degrees
Writing for American Outlook, Checker Finn examines the potential for chaos and fraud inherent in the fast-growing market of virtual higher education, aka distance learning-which has evolved from its Pony Express origins into wildly varying offerings by universities, non-profits and for-profits far and wide.
Ed schools, watch out!
The handwriting is on the wall for ed schools, writes UNC-Wilmington education professor Martin Kozloff in a hard-hitting summary of criticisms leveled at them. Kozloff explains reformers' attack on ed schools' validity, reliability, credibility and monopoly (not to mention dubious theories). Have a look at Kozloff's paper. You may even find yourself mentioned.
Election roundup
The winning candidates and ballot initiatives in Tuesday's election reflected voters' conflicting priorities and education philosophies, and reveal a nearly evenly divided electorate. Florida voters returned Jeb Bush to the governor's office by a healthy margin, but also approved Democratic challenger Bill McBride's pet initiative to limit class sizes statewide.
National Assessment of Vocational Education: Interim Report to Congress
Chester E. Finn, Jr.U.S. Department of EducationSeptember 2002
Report Card on American Education: A State-by-State Analysis: 1976-2001
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Andrew LeFevre and Rea Hederman, American Legislative Exchange CouncilOctober 2002
Tapping Potential: Community College Students and America's Teacher Recruitment Challenge
Katherine SomervilleElizabeth Foster and Anne Simmons, Recruiting New Teachers, Inc.October 2002
A Review of New Zealand's School Curriculum: An International Perspective
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Kevin Donnelly, Education ForumOctober 2002