Exploring the Democratic Tensions within Parents' Decisions to Homeschool
Kariane Mari Welner, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityMarch 2002
Kariane Mari Welner, Teachers College, Columbia UniversityMarch 2002
Bill Hangley, Jr. and Wendy S. McClanahan, Public/Private VenturesFebruary 2002
Boston Municipal Research BureauMarch 2002
Christopher W. Hammons, Milton & Rose D. Friedman FoundationFebruary 2002
David Monk, John W. Sipple and Kieran Killeen, New York State Educational Finance Research ConsortiumSeptember 10, 2001
Opponents of high-stakes testing in Massachusetts are running out of time to convince a public that has largely accepted testing and academic standards, according to reporter Ed Hayward of the Boston Herald.
President Bush introduced the 2002 teacher of the year-a retired Army colonel from southern California-at a Rose Garden ceremony yesterday.
Both standards-based and market-style reforms come from outside the system but they follow different theories and many people believe they are incompatible.
What effect do charter schools have on school districts as a whole? Do they inspire improvements in regular district schools or merely drain money from the district's budget?