It came to our attention that many of our loyal readers never received their Gadflies yesterday. We are so sorry to have deprived you of your weekly Thursday reading material! Don't worry, we think we've solved the problem (hopefully to never happen again) and, more importantly, we've also resent this week's issue, which should be arriving in your inboxes momentarily, if you haven't gotten it already.
And what an issue it is. First up, Checker takes a look at new numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. When there are 3.4 million people in one profession (in this case, teachers), how can we expect them to all be super duper rock stars at their jobs or that we'd have enough money to pay them rock star salaries? Checker ponders. Then, read up on Joel Klein's Leadership Academy woes, charter schools in CA outsourcing their special education, Baltimore's plea for more more more TFA teachers, and how the Massachusetts Teacher Association believes basket weaving, balloon animal-making, and tie-dying are legitimate professional development courses (no really, we're not kidding). Further in, you'll find four terrific short reviews--Ed Next, NCES, CRPE, and Philanthropy Roundtable. And of course, Mike and Rick hit it out of the park with a wonk-tastic podcast (squared off nicely with Amber's look at a not-so-researchy concept paper from Ed Sector!). Finally, don't forget to RSVP for our Rerouting the Preschool Juggernaut event on June 4. First 70 guests get their own complimentary copy of this terrific book!
It may be late, but it's GREAT! Find it all here.