Carroll to charter colleagues: Just say NO!
Thomas Carroll, one of New York’s leading charter school directors, has just sent out a memo to fellow charter network operators in the Empire State urging them not to participate in Race to the Top.
Thomas Carroll, one of New York’s leading charter school directors, has just sent out a memo to fellow charter network operators in the Empire State urging them not to participate in Race to the Top.
Hard education news was skimpy at year’s end, so the New York Times education beat folks must have been catching up on their reading--of the Gadfly, at least.
This discussion sure will be a party (though dry until 5 pm—after the panel!).
The Center for Education Policy Research at Harvard University believes that data can make a difference in education reform. Do you have the analytic and leadership skills to turn this vision into reality? Then you might be the ideal candidate for their Strategic Data Fellowship, a two-year program that places participants into full-time paid analytic leadership roles on the district level.
Are you a graduate student itching to give an urban superintendent some new ideas? Are you hoping that supe will listen? The District of Columbia public schools are is looking for 3-5 person graduate-student teams to submit case studies on how the district can more effectively engage and motivate the public towards education reform.
Want to become a principal at an urban school? Apply for a New Leaders Fellowship by February 4. Details are at Want to start and lead a charter school? The Fisher School Leadership Program is recruiting leaders now. Apply at by March 15.
Are you a Cubs fan with strong attention to detail? If so, you could be the next chief operating officer at the National Association of Charter School Authorizers in Chicago. NACSA - a non-profit membership organization of agencies that approve and oversee charter schools - seeks a COO who will manage its budget, finance, human resources, and auditing responsibilities.
An updated version of Charter School Autonomy: A Half-Broken Promise is now available; it reflects a handful of changes made after a few minor sampling errors were found and corrected. The changes, however, did not impact the findings or conclusions.
Want to apply your fundraising and managerial skills to the charter sector? Harlem Village Academies is seeking a Chief Development Officer, who would be in charge of making sure that HVA hits its revenue goals. The ideal candidate would have spent eight to ten years in fundraising or business and be a strong do-whatever-it-takes team player.
The Henry Ford Learning Institute is creating a new charter school in Chicago, and it seeks a founding principal and a director of finance and operations.
Harlem Village Academies is on the hunt for a Chief Development Officer, who would be in charge of making sure that excellent organization, which runs several charter schools in New York, meets its revenue goals. The ideal candidate would have spent eight to ten years in fundraising or business and be a strong do-whatever-it-takes team player.
Based in Alexandria, Virginia, the National Association of Charter School Authorizers seeks an energetic executive director to oversee general development, management and operations, including strategic planning, membership development, fundraising, and personnel. Experience with nonprofit management and a keen understanding of charter school policy are desired.
Listen up, Ohioans. The Charter School Growth Fund (CSGF) - a philanthropic venture firm that makes grants and loans for the development of charter management organizations that provide quality education options to underserved students - is seeking applicants for its 2006 cohort planning process.
The Charter School Leadership Council is seeking a Vice President for Operations and Finance. For more information on the Charter School Leadership Council and a full position description, contact CSLC at [email protected].
The Denver-based Colorado Charter School Institute is seeking a new Executive Director. CSI is the state-wide charter authorizer, currently overseeing 17 schools serving 6,000 students.
National Journal is launching the Education Expert Blog on Monday, June 29. Nat Journal folks will pose a different question at the beginning of each week to a group of education experts--including our own Checker Finn--and these connoisseurs will respond throughout the week. The dialogue is sure to be dynamite!
This week, Mike and Rick talk teacher absence policies, Cleveland classrooms, and changing racial identities. Jeff Kuhner doesn't like all the kids messing around on Myface, and Education News of the Weird is taking the day off to do some fishing. Click here to listen through our website and peruse past editions.
This week, Mike and Rick take shop class to task, debate whether unions should keep their hands off charters, and ask why all EMOs can't be more like Edison. Checker's furious at Oprah, and Education News of the Weird is unstructured and silly. I pity the fool who doesn't have 15 minutes for this week's show!
If you couldn’t tune in or attend last week’s event on school choice—featuring Paul Hill and Paul Peterson—you can watch the event video online now. Find it here.
Education has oft been dubbed “the civil rights struggle of our generation” but many critics (including Rod Paige) have faulted U.S. civil rights leadership for their indifference to it. Wonder where the NAACP stands on issues like merit pay and charter schools? Head to AEI’s November 4 event featuring keynote speaker Benjamin Jealous from 4:00 to 5:30 PM to find out.
In the last Ohio Education Gadfly, we said that as many as 80 percent of 21th century jobs would require a four-year college degree. The U.S. Department of Labor tracks the fastest growing jobs in America. Its figures say that 60 to 80 percent of new jobs will require some form of post-secondary education, not invariably a four-year degree.
If can't make today's debate at Fordham about the "Broader, Bolder" manifesto, don't fret. The video will be posted early tomorrow morning on our homepage for your viewing pleasure.
It's almost here--the second installment in our Great Debate series.
On Tuesday, September 5, you can learn more about educational entrepreneurship at AEI thanks to a glittering panel that includes Michael Feinberg, cofounder of KIPP; Michelle Rhee, CEO and president of The New Teacher Project; and Chris Whittle, founder and CEO of Edison Schools.
Checker's desk is overflowing, his in-box bulging and his phone ringing off the hook. He needs a keen, compulsive and tireless executive assistant who knows the difference between in- and out-boxes and the difference between Howard Fuller, Howard Gardner and Howard University. Extraordinary candidates urgently sought.
Much has been written about spectacular charter school blow-ups that have cost taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars.
This week, Mike and guest host Dave Deschryver discuss Rheeform in D.C., rewarding kids, and something about automatons.
Have we got a job for you! The Florida Schools of Excellence Commission, the new statewide chartering board, seeks an executive director responsible for planning, organizing, and directing the commission, as well as disseminating information to the public. The best candidate will have a graduate degree, be able to write logically and fluently, and be skilled in financial analysis.
Next Wednesday, February 20th, at 4:00 p.m. This is when Fordham will host a riveting discussion about our new report on collective bargaining, The Leadership Limbo.
This week, Mike and Andy discuss Charlie Crist’s veto, Linda Darling-Hammond’s charter school, and Race to the Test’s quickly narrowing field. Then Amber tells us about a new PEPG study on teacher compensation, and Stafford eats a cold cheese sandwich—and loves it!