Charter start-ups are 4 times as likely to succeed as district turnarounds* (Note big asterisk)
Michael J. PetrilliAn analysis released in today's Education Gadfly finds that new charter schools in disadvantaged communities are almost four times as likely to reach above-average rates of student achievement as the closest district school.
Nothing says "gifted" like "Welcome Back, Cotter"
Michael J. PetrilliIf you want to get re-elected, whatever you do, don't follow Rick's advice
Questions about a charter network in Texas
Peter MeyerPhilanthropy, Islam, accountability, and intrigue
The qualities of a good teacher: A student's perspective
One Cristo Rey student explains her peers' views on solid teaching
Want less fed in your ed?
Join us on June 15 for a discussion of Uncle Sam???s future role in edu-accountability
Are Bad Schools Immortal? The Scarcity of Turnarounds and Shutdowns in Both Charter and District Sectors
Stubbornly resistant to significant change
PODCAST: Nothing says ?gifted? like ?Welcome Back, Cotter?
After some good old-fashioned low-brow fun, Mike and Rick launch into an erudite conversation on teacher evaluations and Race to the Top, the political perils of tough-love school reform, and the correct role of education philanthropies. Amber finds benefit in gifted-education programs, and Chris tells overbearing parents to get off Facebook?and get a life. [powerpress]
Quotable & notable
?I can't imagine in America where you're going to have a White House, Republican or Democrat, or a Congress, a Republican or a Democrat, laying out what our kids have to be taught. That is unacceptable.'' ?Mitt Romney, Former Massachusetts Governor