Education News Nuggets
A cheating epidemic has hit our schools! Maybe it's time to gear up and end this problem.
A cheating epidemic has hit our schools! Maybe it's time to gear up and end this problem.
One Alison Stachniak, teacher wannabe, doesn't walk into a bar, but she tells an interesting, if long, story in Teacher about trying to find a job in Chicago and concluding that?Eureka!??charter sc
Congratulations to the high-performing charter schools that received a portion of the $50 million in competitive grants to replicate and expand, as announced
Doug Lemov's Teach Like a Champion: 49 Techniques That Put Students on the Path to College is a publishing phenomenon. Since its release earlier this year, it has hovered within or near the top 100 books on
This is what I was trying to say in that last post?sort of. Thanks, Jay Greene. ?Peter Meyer, Bernard Lee Schwartz Policy Fellow
Ed professors remain in the clouds. But, their views are starting to change.
A deluge at Education Nation can't stop IBM's innovation
Personnel and accountability measures for e-educators
A valuable study that asks a worthless question
Rankings based on reform-friendliness? Sounds familiar
Our little school district just got word that our share of the RttT pie (nearly $700 million in NY) will be $55,000 per year for?four years. ?Wow! But here's the challenge?and it is real and it applies just as much to Cory Booker with his $100 million as to us:?How do we spend it?
While reading Liam's musings this morning??armies of grown-ups who had gone gaga for a certain presidential candidate's mellifluous vapidities about change and hope?
In reading Liam's post about idealists being chewed up by the DC culture of inertia and status quo I couldn't help but think of the brilliant Ralph Waldo Emerson quote, ???Our greatest glory is not in never failing, but in rising up every time we fail.???
No Child Left Behind's Highly Qualified Teachers provision deserves to die.
?If you're failing my children, get out of the way.'' ?Cory A. Booker, Mayor of Newark, New Jersey
That question, and others, is posed on 25 billboards throughout greater Cincinnati.
If you’re clamoring to know what Americans think about myriad K-12 education issues, then you’ve just struck gold. Three recent surveys provide a plethora of opinion data on issues ranging from charter schools and teachers unions, to taxpayer-funded increases in education spending and hot-button issues like teacher evaluations.
Jonah E. Rockoff & Benjamin B. Lockwood Columbia Business SchoolFall 2010
Our recent study, Needles in a Haystack: Lessons from high-performing, high-need urban schools, lifted up the successes of, and tried to extrapolate lessons from, urban schools that serve large numbers of poor kids well. But poverty exists beyond city borders.
Social networking and school reform. An unlikely pair? Not any more, given Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s recent donation of $100 million to struggling public schools in Newark, New Jersey. Check out the New York Times’ coverage of the announcement here.
Today Fordham released results from a national survey of education school professors in the US.
Last week, Policy Matters Ohio released a report on charter school accountability. The primary finding was that when charter schools are operated by management organizations, for-profit and non-profit alike, too often the management organizations are running the show, not the independent boards that are legally the schools
Cheryl Almeida, Cecilia Le, Adria Steinberg, Roy CervantesJobs for the FutureSeptember 2010
“When we get back to a more normal economic cycle in Ohio, this is very doable.” This was Governor Strickland’s response to a question about how he plans to add billions of new state money over the next decade to pay for the state&rsquo
Each year Fordham analyzes performance data of schools and districts in Ohio’s Big 8 cities, and provides a ranking of each city’s schools by Performance Index (PI) score, a weighted average of proficiency results among all tested students in that school.