Ratings without substance
Last month, much to my surprise, both the Education Gadfly and The Wall Street Journal touted the new Standard and Poor's School Evaluation Service. Such praise is premature.
Last month, much to my surprise, both the Education Gadfly and The Wall Street Journal touted the new Standard and Poor's School Evaluation Service. Such praise is premature.
Under a new accountability system being proposed by the Florida Department of Education, the progress of individual students will be tracked from year to year and this information will be used to determine letter grades for schools. An accountability system based on annual learning gains has been a major goal of Governor Jeb Bush.
Public Agenda, November 14, 2001
edited by Thomas C. Hunt, Ellis A. Joseph and Ronald J. Nuzzi, September 2001
Jay Greene, Black Alliance for Educational Options and the Center for Civic Innovation at the Manhattan Institute, November 2001
John E. Stone, George K. Cunningham and Donald B. Crawford, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, October 2001
Katrina Bulkley, Education Policy Analysis Archives, 9(37), October 1, 2001
Mark Y. Herring, Oklahoma Association of Scholars, October 2001
Matthew Ladner, Children First America, July 2001
A warm and reasonably accurate profile of E.D. Hirsch appeared in last Sunday's Washington Post Magazine under the subtitle "How a U-Va.
The report submitted by Edison Schools on Philadelphia's public education system paints a somewhat misleading picture of the condition that city's schools are in, writes Mike Casserly of the Council of the Great City Schools in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer. While agreeing that schools in the City of Brotherly Love need dramatic improvement, Casserly complains that t