Communities at Work: A Guidebook of Strategic Interventions for Community Change
Kelly ScottPublic Education Network, November 2001
Parents and Schools: The 150-year Struggle for Control in American Education
Chester E. Finn, Jr.William W. Cutler III, 2000
Microsoft offers false hope to disadvantaged schools
Software giant Microsoft has proposed settling the myriad class-action lawsuits it faces by contributing a billion-plus dollars worth of software, computer equipment, technology training and cash to schools attended by low-income youngsters. Yesterday's Wall Street Journal featured an op-ed by Checker Finn explaining why the software giant's offer - if approved by the plaintiffs an
Can troubled urban school districts be saved by new leadership (or by the introduction of competition)?
Anyone who thinks that the solution to the problems of big-city school districts is putting the mayor in charge may be disheartened by a trio of articles in the most recent issue of Education Next.
Families, Freedom and Education: Why School Choice Makes Sense
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Jennifer Buckingham, Centre for Independent Studies, 2001
Graduation statistics: Caveat emptor
Jay P. GreeneAs the pundits keep reminding us, honesty is often a casualty of war.
Tear Down This Wall: The Case for a Radical Overhaul of Teacher Certification
Marci Kanstoroom, Ph.D.Frederick M. Hess, Progressive Policy Institute, November 2001
Whole language reading instruction alive and kicking
While the "whole language" approach to teaching reading has been widely discredited, that didn't stop the National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE) from organizing a series of seminars called "A Day of Whole Language" during its annual convention in Baltimore last week.
Trying to Stay Ahead of the Game: Superintendents and Principals Talk about School Leadership
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Public Agenda, November 14, 2001
High School Graduation Rates in the United States
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Jay Greene, Black Alliance for Educational Options and the Center for Civic Innovation at the Manhattan Institute, November 2001
Improving Teacher Quality in Oklahoma: A Closer Look
Chester E. Finn, Jr.John E. Stone, George K. Cunningham and Donald B. Crawford, Oklahoma Council of Public Affairs, October 2001
Educational Performance and Charter School Authorizers: The Accountability Bind
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Katrina Bulkley, Education Policy Analysis Archives, 9(37), October 1, 2001
At the Core of the Problem - Reforming Teacher Preparation in Oklahoma
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Mark Y. Herring, Oklahoma Association of Scholars, October 2001
Just Doing It 5: Surveying America's privately funded school choice grants programs for growth, impact, and progress
Kelly ScottMatthew Ladner, Children First America, July 2001
E.D. Hirsch: Where did he come from and what is he doing?
A warm and reasonably accurate profile of E.D. Hirsch appeared in last Sunday's Washington Post Magazine under the subtitle "How a U-Va.
Edison overstates failings of Philadelphia's schools
The report submitted by Edison Schools on Philadelphia's public education system paints a somewhat misleading picture of the condition that city's schools are in, writes Mike Casserly of the Council of the Great City Schools in an op-ed in The Philadelphia Inquirer. While agreeing that schools in the City of Brotherly Love need dramatic improvement, Casserly complains that t
Handbook of Research on Catholic Education
Chester E. Finn, Jr.edited by Thomas C. Hunt, Ellis A. Joseph and Ronald J. Nuzzi, September 2001
Ratings without substance
Raymond DomanicoLast month, much to my surprise, both the Education Gadfly and The Wall Street Journal touted the new Standard and Poor's School Evaluation Service. Such praise is premature.
State of the art accountability system proposed in Florida
Under a new accountability system being proposed by the Florida Department of Education, the progress of individual students will be tracked from year to year and this information will be used to determine letter grades for schools. An accountability system based on annual learning gains has been a major goal of Governor Jeb Bush.
UC and the SAT: Predictive Validity and Differential Impact of the SAT I and SAT II at the University of California
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Saul Geiser and Roger Studley, University of California, October 29, 2001
Creative reform efforts stymied by unions in Los Angeles
The Los Angeles Unified School District's ambitious plan to reform secondary education and boost literacy in the upper grades has been derailed at least temporarily by the objections of teacher and administrator unions.
Every Child Learning: Safe and Supportive Schools
Kelly ScottLearning First Alliance, November 2001
Houston gives principals budgetary autonomy
While there are increasing calls for principals to be held accountable for producing results, in few places are principals given much power over staffing their schools or spending school budgets.
Teacher Salaries, Expenditures and Federal Revenues in School Districts Serving the Nation's Largest Cities, 1990-91 to 2000-01
Chester E. Finn, Jr.American Federation of Teachers, October 2001
Appraising state standards, tests & accountability systems
Chester E. Finn, Jr.On November 2, the American Federation of Teachers released a hefty (235-page) report entitled Making Standards Matter 2001. It's an ambitious effort to appraise academic standards, curriculum, assessments and accountability arrangements in each of the fifty states and for the country as a whole.
A radical experiment: tuition-free private schools
Thanks to a black minister and a retired marine, roughly 450 students in St. Louis are attending private schools financed by public dollars this fall - without vouchers. Determined to do something about the number of kids they encountered who couldn't read or write, Bishop Laurence Wooten and Marine Lt. Col.
Federal Bilingual Education Programs in Massachusetts: "But Do They Help the Children?"
Kelly ScottDon Soifer, Lexington Institute, September 2001
The War Against America's Public Schools: Privatizing Schools, Commercializing Education
Chester E. Finn, Jr.Gerald Bracey, 2001