On this week’s Education Gadfly Show podcast, Kathleen Porter-Magee of Partnership Schools—a network of Catholic schools in New York City and Cleveland—joins Mike Petrilli to discuss the debate over religious charter schools. Then, on the Research Minute, Amber discusses a Virginia study that compares labor market outcomes between community college students from higher and lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
Recommended content:
- “3 reasons why religious charter schools should give us pause” —Kathleen Porter Magee
- “Proposal for first religious charter school in US shot down by Oklahoma education board” —USA Today
- “Supreme Court opens a path to religious charter schools: But the trail ahead holds twists and turns” —Education Next
- The study that Amber reviewed on the Research Minute: Brian Heseung Kim et al., Crossing the Finish Line but Losing the Race? Socioeconomic Inequalities in the Labor Market Trajectories of Community College Graduates , Education Finance & Policy (April 2023)
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