The Gadfly Daily featured commentary and analysis on everything from Louisiana to LIFO. Here’s a quick roundup of what bloggers were saying:
- “Unionized charter schools may make good sense for the unions themselves,” cautioned Terry Ryan on the Ohio Gadfly Daily, “but they would be a set-back for school improvement efforts in the Buckeye State.”
Guest blogger Michelle Rhee warned on Board’s Eye View of an overarching approach to education policy that hurts children: “Too often decisions are made and policies are set based on the interests of adults in the system rather than student needs.”
- On the anniversary of the Brown v. Board of Education decision, Mike Petrilli noted on Flypaper that “the question today, as for the past twenty years or so (when the forcible desegregation movement ran out of steam), is what can be done to better integrate our schools?”
- On Choice Words, Adam Emerson described a Louisiana “community that has chosen to erect a fence around its public schools.”
- “Layoffs disrupt schools, students, and teachers no matter how they are implemented,” argued guest blogger Rebecca Sibilia on Stretching the School Dollar, “but LIFO policies only exacerbate the situation by forcing many great teachers out of the classroom without regard to the quality of their work and disrupting the education of more students than needed.”
- On Common Core Watch, Kathleen wrote that Common Core supporters “shouldn’t be trying to avoid failure, we should be looking to shine a spotlight on it and embrace it as a key element of change.”
To stay on top of all of Fordham’s commentary, subscribe to the Gadfly Daily’s combined RSS feed and don’t forget to watch the replay of yesterday’s discussion from Columbus, “Digital Learning: The Future of Schooling?”