An immodest proposal
Daniela FairchildOver the past decade, Detroit's population has declined by 25 percent. Since its heyday in 1950, the city has contracted by about 40 percent.
Let's talk about education reform
Michael J. Petrilli, Chester E. Finn, Jr.The Republican presidential field is beginning to take shape, and candidates and maybe-candidates are figuring out where they stand and what to say. Sooner or later, they will need to say something about education. May we suggest a few talking points? Or, better yet, a potential speech for a GOP candidate? ***
Quotable & notable
"When we look at our cases where children are sent away from schools because of disabilities, there are a disproportionate number of calls about charter schools.? * ?Kim Sweet, Director of Advocates for Children of New York
Finn and Petrilli on GOP presidential candidates and education
Chester Finn and Mike Petrilli have a new piece in The Weekly Standard. In it, they sug