Hug it out
This week, Mike and Rick talk about why Quality Counts thinks U.S. education is the world's best, kids at Brown have so much time to throw naked parties, and Texas is a progressive place.
I got that socialist feelin'
This week, Andy and Stafford discuss good grades in the Big Apple, school violence in Chi-town, and young principals in Beantown. Then Amber gives us the lowdown on the PDK/Gallup poll of American opinion on education and Rate that Reform grades Obama's (speech) lesson plans.
I know it was you, Fredo
This week, Mike and Rick talk about supes, Catholics, and Cubans. We've got an interview with Jonas Chartock of the Charter School Policy Institute, and Education News of the Weird is one with the people. Click here to listen through our website and view past editions.
Image redux
You heard it here first: Michelle Mhee, DC Chancellor of Schools, will appear on next month's cover of Good Housekeeping magazine. Sporting an "I ♥ teachers" apron, sundress, and Bissell Versus, she simply glows against the bright kitchen backdrop.
Inaugural edition
Click here to listen to our inaugural show on your computer today! To subscribe to this podcast, or to learn more about how podcasts work, click here.
Inaugural edition
Click here to listen to our inaugural show on your computer today! To subscribe to this podcast, or to learn more about how podcasts work, click here.
In case you missed it
The Rockefeller Institute put on a swell symposium last year about the lack of transparency in state accountability systems. Check it out here.
In defense of Jewish History Month
This week, Mike and Rick debate Arne's pot of discretionary boodle, the real salary potential of teachers, and the post-Obama fate of Black History Month. Then Amber explains why we should be suspicious of a new study on lead levels and achievement and Rate that Reform documents schools' Valentine's Day coping strategies.
Indiana Governor's Office seeks education and workforce policy analyst
The Indiana Governor's Office is looking for an analyst to work on education and workforce issues. Successful candidate would work closely with the Governor's senior education policy advisor to develop legislative and policy initiatives aimed at improving the performance of Indiana's schools, universities, and workforce training programs.
Indianapolis mayor seeks assistant director for charter schools
The Mayor of Indianapolis-the country's only mayor with the authority to sponsor charter schools-seeks an assistant director for charter schools to help coordinate the application review process, oversee charter schools, and develop an accountability process with the mayor. For details see (click on Jobs).
Initial Lessons from W.E.B. DuBois in Cincinnati
On May 27, the Cincinnati Enquirer ran a front page story announcing that the board of the state’s top performing charter school—the W.E.B. DuBois Academy—had voted to close the school due to serious financial problems. As the school’s sponsor, the Thomas B.
In mind we trust
The Mind Trust is now accepting applications for its Indianapolis-based Education Entrepreneur Fellowship. It's a fantastic idea that seeks to develop promising education ventures. Find out more here.
Innovate! Improve! Work for the federal government!
The Office of Innovation and Improvement at the U.S. Department of Education is looking to fill a civil service position that oversees its school choice and charter school programs. It's an important job.
Get ready for the main event
Wondering how budget woes can become opportunities? Join Fordham and a top-notch group of panelists on October 26, 2010 from 12:30 to 2:00PM for “Cost-Cutting Strategies and Opportunities for Schools and Districts.” RSVP here.
Go Broad or go home
The Broad Center is seeking a managing director for the Broad Residency in Urban Education. The ideal candidate has a track record of producing results by building systems and organizational capacity and a passion for developing the next generation of leaders who help transform K-12 public education.
Great Minds...Trust
Are you an education entrepreneur looking for help to incubate your ideas? You might be a perfect candidate for The Mind Trust's Education Entrepreneur Fellowship. It offers the support and financial backing to help launch and maintain break-the-mold education ventures with a full-time annual salary of $90,000 for two years, benefits, and customized training.
Happy reading
The winter 2009 edition of Education Next is here. Luckily, you can fill your Gadfly-less Thanksgiving with some of this meaty reading material.
Higher edu-innovation
We often discuss the place for innovation in K-12 education. This all-day AEI conference will evaluate the topic in a tertiary context. How will online learning, redefining the role of professors, and rethinking the link between postsecondary programs and the labor market play out?
Highly qualified teacher definition
Gadfly made an error in the November 20, 2003 issue in describing the "highly qualified" teacher requirements of NCLB (see
Impacting the public
Public Impact is on the hunt for two knowledgeable consultants to lead projects on turnarounds, human capital, charter schools, and finance. If this sounds like just your fit, apply today—the application deadline is Monday. Learn more here.
In Memoriam
We are saddened to note the passing this week of John Brandl, a champion education reformer to whom we were honored to present the 2005 Fordham Prize for Valor. Education reformer, though, is but one of the many public-service roles that Brandl occupied throughout his long and venerable career.
In memoriam: Lovett (Pete) Peters, 1913-2010
The education-reform world lost a strong ally and a good friend last week with the passing of Lovett (Pete) Peters.
It's five o'clock somewhere
Mike and Rick are manifestoed out, and instead talk shop on election implications, campaign contributions, and color-blind admissions. Amber jazzes up the pension reform debate, and Chris asks which witch is which.
Stellar Dayton organization seeks director of education programs
Keys to Improving Dayton Schools, Inc. (k.i.d.s.), a non-profit organization based in Dayton, Ohio, seeks an exceptional educator to work closely in partnership with area charter schools to guide, assist, and strengthen their academic improvement efforts.
Step one: Common Core standards. Step two: ?
In this short video, Mike and Checker explain their latest paper: Now what? Imperatives and Options for "Common Core" Implementation and Governance.
Step right up, step right up
Want to work with some of the best and brightest in education reform—and engage in some nifty research to boot? Fordham is now accepting winter/spring intern applications for our Washington, D.C. office. Learn the specifics and apply here.
Still, Rhee-ly cool
It's no Fordham internship, sure, but if you had to go elsewhere, Michelle Rhee's office is it. While we mentioned last week that she's looking for summer 2009 interns, Gadfly forgot to add that she's looking for spring 2009 interns, too!
Strategically manage data
Harvard’s Center for Education Policy Research (CEPR) is looking for a Senior Research Manager for its Strategic Data Project (SDP). This individual would help develop SDP’s analytic tools, report design, and project strategy. Do you love to crunch numbers but have great management skills, too? Find more information here.