More fluff and circumstance from Michael Winerip*
When he's good, New York Times education columnist Michael Winerip is very good (see his report on Atlanta cheating).?
When he's good, New York Times education columnist Michael Winerip is very good (see his report on Atlanta cheating).?
?Listen to the claims of both sides, discount them each by 50 percent and then go with your gut.'' * ? Bill Seitz, Ohio state senator
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?If a state continues to deteriorate in terms of its educational performance ... the forces of competition over time will cause them to make changes,'' * ? Herman Cain, former CEO of Godfather's Pizza
Amber Winkler, Fordham's VP for Research, is currently traveling China as a Senior Fellow with the Global Education Policy Fellowship Program ( GEPFP).
The New York Times editorial page has been a remarkably consistent and clear voice on behalf of smart education reform ? and today it stays the course with a sensible critique of the Harkin-Enzi proposal.?
California's Jerry Brown is getting ready to propose what the AP calls "sweeping rollbacks" in public-sector pensions, raising the retirement age for non-public safety employees to 67, ending abuses like spiking and "air
?We are one. These are our students, and we need to wrap our arms around parents all across the city to make sure all parents are involved in the schools.'' * ? Dennis Walcott, Chancellor of New York City Public Schools
Amber Winkler, Fordham's VP for Research, is currently traveling China as a Senior Fellow with the Global Education Policy Fellowship Program (GEPFP).
Exercise your logic: what happens when the sex-ed curriculum is a how-to manual if the students are already
?Perfection is just not reasonable'' * ? Mitchell Chester, Education Commissioner of Massachusetts
ESEA reauthorization is exciting, sure, but whatever comes out of the Senate won't be all that revolutionary. If you want to hear some really groundbreaking ideas on how our education system should work, highlight December 1, 2011 on your calendars. Right now.
Amber Winkler, Fordham's VP for Research, is currently traveling China as a Senior Fellow with the Global Education Policy Fellowship Program (GEPFP). She'll be passing along her observations on education in the People's Republic with periodic ?Postcards from China.?
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts introducing Fordham's latest report, Halting a Runaway Train: Reforming Teacher Pensions for the 21st Century.
?I speak Spanglish... I say 'Necesito ayuda con my homework.'' * ?Miguel de La O, student at Coral Way Elementary school
This is the fourth in a series of blog posts introducing Fordham’s latest report, Halting a Runaway Train: Reforming Teacher Pensions for the 21st Century.
I have been on the road for much of the last couple of weeks, much of that time spent visiting ?poor? schools doing well.? You will, I hope, see the results of my road trip fact-finding in future Fordham publications, but for now I can confidently report that, despite economic challenges (which are real), good things are happening in the provinces (i.e.
This is the third in a series of blog posts introducing Fordham's latest report, Halting a Runaway Train: Reforming Teacher Pensions for the 21st Century.
?Frequently, we think of digital media as a distraction and a risk, but it is a potential bridge between what students find engaging and what they need to know'' * ? Joseph Kahne, Professor of Education at Mills College
This Fordham Institute publication—co-authored by President Chester E. Finn Jr. and VP Michael J. Petrilli—pushes folks to think about what comes next in the journey to common education standards and tests. Most states have adopted the Common Core English language arts and math standards, and most are also working on common assessments. what? The standards won't implement themselves, but unless they are adopted in the classroom, nothing much will change. What implementation tasks are most urgent? What should be done across state lines? What should be left to individual states, districts, and private markets? Perhaps most perplexing, who will govern and own these standards and tests ten or twenty years from now?
This national survey of education school professors finds that, even as the U.S. grows more practical and demanding when it comes to K-12 education, most of the professoriate simply isn't there. They see themselves more as philosophers and agents of social change, not as master craftsmen sharing tradecraft. They also resist some promising reforms such as tying teacher pay to student test scores. Still, education professors are reform-minded in some areas, including tougher policies for awarding tenure to teachers and financial incentives for those who teach in tough neighborhoods. Read on to find out more.
The typical U.S. charter school lacks the autonomy it needs to succeed, once state, authorizer, and other impositions are considered. For some schools—in some states, with some authorizers—the picture is brighter but for many it's bleak. State-specific grades for charter autonomy range from A to F.
More than 1.7 million American children attend what we've dubbed "private public schools"—public schools that serve virtually no poor students. In some metropolitan areas, as many as one in six public-school students—and one in four white youngsters—attends such schools, of which the U.S. has about 2,800.
The Thomas B. Fordham Foundation is pleased to share our 2009-10 Sponsorship Accountability Report. The report, Renewal and Optimism: Five Years as an Ohio Charter Authorizer, contains a year in review for Ohio's charter school program, detailed information on the Fordham Foundation's work as a charter school sponsor, and data on the performance of our sponsored schools during that year.
This is the second in a series of blog posts introducing Fordham's latest report, Halting a Runaway Train: Reforming Teacher Pensions for the 21st Century.