Beware of rankings
Over at The American Interest, Walter Russell Mead asserted a few weeks back that ?when it comes to education, red states rule.? He bases this finding on data collected for Newsweek's recently released high school rankings.?
Salamat at Paalam*
[caption id="" align="alignright" width="240" caption="Photo by The Mechanical Turk"][/caption]
Quotable & notable
?Now where do we go? Where do we go?? * ?Maria Ariston, Former Teacher at Apple Grove Elementary in Prince George's County, Maryland
Advice for Chairman Kline on "Flexibility": Call Democrats' bluff
Michael J. PetrilliHouse education chairman John Kline released a bill yesterday that would provide "unprecedented" flexibility for states and local school districts around how they spend their federal ed
Finn discusses ATL cheating scandal
Chester Finn, president of the Fordham Institute, was a guest on the Willis Report on Fox Business last night. The topic? The cheating scandal in Atlanta.