College for all! Please!
I stewed most of the week about how to respond to Deborah Meier's recent Bridging Differences post on ?college for all.??
I stewed most of the week about how to respond to Deborah Meier's recent Bridging Differences post on ?college for all.??
One of the noteworthy things about Deborah Meier's post about ?college for all?
Great Britain's largest teacher unions have declared a strike for Thursday over proposed changes to their pensions, and they'll be joined by another 700,000 other workers from the public sector.
Here's a quick test; true or false? 1. Arne Duncan coerced many states into adopting the Common Core via his Race to the Top application. 2. The Obama Administration carelessly hinted that adoption of Common Core might become a requirement in a new ESEA or for states wanting a waiver from the current law.
?It's been that way since elementary school. We behave better when the teacher looks like us.''* ?New York City public school student