Education news nuggets
Even if you've had a breakfast for champions, be wary of being too spontaneous because your best practices may fly ou
Even if you've had a breakfast for champions, be wary of being too spontaneous because your best practices may fly ou
William Shakespeare penned the famous line in Henry the Sixth: ?The first thing we do, let's kill all the lawyers,? setting off a wave of lawyer jokes that continues 400 years later. Had Shakespeare had the opportunity to witness the infighting and special interest politics of state textbook adoption processes, he might have found a better target for his ire.
I'm not sure how many of the 200-plus people who packed our cafeteria last night had read Rick Hess' How Supes and P
New Jersey's Supreme Court ordered Chris Christie to cough up another $500 million in funding for the state's schools in a 3-2 ruling today.
?A number of people are frustrated at the pace of change for improving education for low income families. There's more support from Republicans of public funds going to private schools.'' * ?Joe Nathan, Director, Center for School Change