Re: The wheels on the bus...carry an ad?
Michael J. PetrilliI LOVE this idea. Putting ads on the outside of school buses is a no-brainer. Municipal bus systems have been doing this for years, and since the advertising is targeting to people outside the vehicles--not kiddies on the inside--how can anyone complain?
The final stretch
Michael J. PetrilliToday marks the start of the sixth week of Fordham's pick-the-next-secretary-of-education daily tracking poll. It appears that President-Elect Obama is going to name every position down to national dog-catcher before he announces his selection to lead the Department of Education. Patience is a virtue and Obama is giving us a chance to practice it.
D.C. charters under the microscope
Eric OsbergOn Sunday the Washington Post launched a major series of articles about D.C. charter schools; a second installment appeared today and a third is coming. Unfortunately, it started with a regrettable front-page story examining the banking industry's involvement with D.C.
TNR: Obama could select a reform double-header
Michael J. PetrilliThe New Republic's Seyward Darby, she who penned this dynamite (as in explosive and as in very good) article about Linda Darling-Hammond, is reporting that a source is telling he
Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond, part three
Michael J. PetrilliIn our first installment of "Questions for Linda Darling-Hammond," we asked about a chapter she wrote in an anti-NCLB book.
It's Arne!
Michael J. PetrilliSometimes the conventional wisdom is right; President-Elect Barack Obama has selected Chicago schools CEO Arne Duncan as his secretary of education.?? Here's what our president, Chester E.