Sleepless in New York
The city that never sleeps has once again borne out this moniker. Who's reaching for the Ambien? Parents. At fault is a salmagundi of complaints about the City's year-old entrance policy for its gifted programs.
The city that never sleeps has once again borne out this moniker. Who's reaching for the Ambien? Parents. At fault is a salmagundi of complaints about the City's year-old entrance policy for its gifted programs.
Steven Glazerman, Sarah Dolfin, Martha Bleeker, Amy Johnson, Eric Isenberg, Julieta Lugo-Gil, Mary Grider, and Edward BrittonMathematica Policy ResearchOctober 2008
U.S. Department of EducationOffice of Innovation and ImprovementOctober 2008
Andrew J. RotherhamPhilanthropy RoundtableSeptember 2008
KIPP KEY Academy in Washington, DC. North Star Academy in Newark. Roxbury Prep in Boston. Amistad Academy in New Haven. These, and perhaps 200 other high-performing schools nationwide, are the bright lights of the charter movement.
How should serious education reformers view the results of Tuesday's election? We find five causes for optimism and an equal number of worries.Reasons for Cheer
Pity the school-loving geek in Clarke County, Ga. In a classic case of adults setting a Good Example, the school district cancelled classes last Friday for the Florida-Georgia football game, anticipating empty classrooms.
Washington election junkies surely aren't the only ones going through withdrawal as the political season comes to a close, but at least parents in the D.C. area have an outlet for their obsessive-compulsive nature.
After two years of campaigning and endless punditry and prognosticating, we finally know that Barack Obama will be the next president of the United States.
By Chester E. Finn, Jr. and Michael J. Petrilli Reasons for Cheer
Passage of all the school levies on the ballot in Dayton, Columbus, Toledo, and Youngstown is a good sign of increasing support for education where it's needed most. The Gadfly knows that school districts don't always spend wisely or frugally but we also know that, in Ohio's largest and most economically depressed urban areas, public schools are getting hammered financially.
Two years ago I complained about the ???apple that Andy Rotherham is giving advice to Republicans.
As the country decides who'll be the next president, Marylanders may take a gamble for even more ???change??? ??? quite literally. They're deciding whether to legalize slot machines!
It's no secret that some of us (though
The recent NCLB regulations focus on high school graduation rates. Mark Schneider (as in former Bushie and now at AIR Mark Schneider), however, wants to know??the stats on college graduation rates.