In the name of love
It's hard to miss the media firestorm over Chicago's latest educational innovation, the School for Social Justice Pride Campus. The school would cater to gay students who are teased and bullied at their current schools.
It's hard to miss the media firestorm over Chicago's latest educational innovation, the School for Social Justice Pride Campus. The school would cater to gay students who are teased and bullied at their current schools.
John Staud, ed.Alliance for Catholic Education PressAugust 2008
Frederick M. Hess, ed.Harvard Education PressSeptember 2008
There's plenty of evidence that state and municipal budgets are strapped these days, due to shrinking tax revenues from a faltering economy, declining property values, etc. It's also clear that a number of school systems are feeling the pinch.
Chi-town, home of deep dish pizza, The Band, and an education reform powerhouse? That's John Simmon's take.
Dreading the pinch of a tight economy on your state's budget? You're not alone. According to the Center on Budget & Policy Priorities, nearly every state experienced flat or declining revenues in the first half of 2008 compared to last year, and 39 states have developed "budget shortfalls"--gaps between expected revenue and planned expenditures.
There's been a lot of debate recently about the degree to which the feds can coerce states or school districts to do things they don't want to do (see here,
Former Ed Truster Kevin Carey loves Education Trust's trusty new report on graduation rates (timed to coincide w