Quick and the Ed Watch 4
Kevin Carey's latest post is about affirmative action, and most of it is sensible. I'm unsure if what you'll read here are positions that Carey has previously espoused on this topic, and I'm not going to traipse off on some fishing expedition to find out.
Andrew Ferguson reviews in today's Wall Street Journal a book that goes behind the scenes at Harvard Business School--and seemingly reveals what one might expect to find behind the scenes at Harvard Business School.
From the archives
From time to time, while digging up material for forthcoming Fordham reports, op-eds, or blog posts, I stumble upon an unrelated article that catches my interest and causes me to pause and read. Here's one such, written by Checker, entitled "An Open Letter to Lawrence H. Summers." It was published six years ago.
A one stop charter school shop
Stafford PalmieriThe National Alliance for Public Charter Schools has announced a new job board on its website.
Finn 2.0
Checker talks about his new book, Troublemaker, in a very chic-looking, new media-ish video interview.
Reaping what we sow
Stafford PalmieriThe archaic agrarian school calendar is just one more reminder of how education is not keeping up with the times, argues Arthur Rothkopf.
The Washington Post believes that D.C. officials resent charter schools, and it tells them: "Get over it."
Is education, like politics, a "devalued category"?
Michael J. PetrilliI was reading the Washington Post on Saturday when I came across this little piece by Democratic strategist Carter Eskew about the presidential campaign and its suddenly negative to
Intern at Fordham
Fordham is seeking a fall intern. What's it like to spend a semester with us? Our summer intern, Amy, has approved the following message, which I wrote:
Washington's most influential school reform advocate
Michael J. PetrilliNo, it's not Kati Haycock or George Miller or even Margaret Spellings. It's Jo-Ann Armao, the education writer for the Washington Post editorial page.
Where's the beef?
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.Doesn't appear that student performance is a part of this new proposed pay structure by the teachers' union in Australia. A hundred indicators and not a one on how the students are performing?
Quality versus quantity
Amber M. Northern, Ph.D.This would-be second-career teacher in California says that proving "highly-qualified" status is a hoop-jumping endeavor: "The standards to which I'm being held here are no
Rudy and the crew
Christina HentgesQuite the fight going on right now in Miami, as the Miami-Dade school board weighs the fate of superintendent Rudy Crew.?? Some board members are trying to oust him with accusations of gross negligence, incompetence, and the like.??
Quality comments
Mike's Gadfly editorial about teacher quality is attracting comments like ... like .... Oh, whatever,??it's Friday afternoon.
Spread the word! Support America's mathletes! The 2008 Education Olympics start August 8th!
httpv://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3d_4taq75Q A week from today, America's team of finely-tuned physical specimens will start piling up medals at the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing.
"Education as a Civil Rights Issue"
The New York Times editors say to Congress: Don't??gut No Child Left Behind.
Teacher to candidates: Don't blame me
Michael J. PetrilliHere's some pessimistic reading for your Friday morning, from California teacher Kate Applebee. Her thesis:
"Professor, Do Your Job"
So??commands Stanley Fish in this Policy Review article, which is based on his new book.
In the land of sprawl
Stafford PalmieriA few weeks ago we commented on L.A.'s less-than-tactful capital expansion plan . It's only getting worse.
Bay area beef
Stafford PalmieriThe parents of San Francisco kindergarteners are fed up with a school choice system that doesn't really let them choose and they're speaking up.
Something's Fishy
Stafford PalmieriWhile I usually agree with Liam's witty pronouncements on the reasoning of others (and you must agree that Liam doesn't just express his opinion, he passes judgment with a swift blow of verbal acrobatics--Kevin Carey, I'm sure, would agree) I must take issue with