A new era in virtual education?
Virtual classes may be morphing into entire virtual schools. What is lost and what is gained? How will virtual education change how we define the school experience?
Virtual classes may be morphing into entire virtual schools. What is lost and what is gained? How will virtual education change how we define the school experience?
The slugfest between Checker, Diane Ravitch, and Randi Weingarten that ran in yesterday's Gadfly is the subject of an item in today's New York Sun.
That's what Mona Charen argues in this National Review Online piece,* using No Child Left Behind as Exhibit A.
Interesting to note that liberals Kevin Drum and Matt Yglesias have both blogged recently about how socioeconomic and racial integration (the 2008 kind of integration, which seeks to overcome housing patterns; not the 1950s kind, which sought to overcome de jure separation of black and white) won't work.
Eduwonk Andy thinks that merit pay is the new vouchers.