Vouchers for NOLA
Worth keeping an eye on this, especially because "the Senate plan would require schools to administer state tests to voucher students."
Friday funnies
Coby LoupThe pressure high school students face to get into top colleges has intensified to the point that it's susceptible to some hilarious satirizing.
Jesus loves No Child Left Behind
Michael J. PetrilliOr at least compassionate conservatism, of which NCLB is a cornerstone. So implieth Michael Gerson in this morning's Washington Post.
Higher-ed education
John Hood, president of the John Locke Foundation, writes in National Review a solid, sweeping article about higher education. It's currently available only to subscribers (they, and hackers, may read it here). Some good parts:
The problem here elicited is a problem--at??least because it engenders a lot of boring writing--and I'm convinced that it's getting worse. (No, I don't have data to support that.) Today's k-12 system generally ignores writing and today's colleges demand lousy writing, so there you go.
Re: Vouchers for NOLA
Michael J. PetrilliIt's entirely appropriate that the Louisiana Senate would require schools participating in a possible New Orleans voucher program to "administer state tests to voucher students." That's hardly out of line for other voucher programs.
Re: Vouchers for NOLA
Mike and I can disagree all day, during normal business hours, about the level of transparency we should demand from voucher schools. But in the NOLA case, the issue is "contentious" and might stall the $10 million proposal (although the city's Catholic schools will accept standardized testing--they're desperate).
This Week's Fordham Factor: Health care costs and obese teachers
Mike and Liam discuss Mike's controversial Gadfly article on the burdensome health care costs associated with teacher obesity. httpv://youtube.com/watch?v=fOux-s2t0Xo