Making a Difference?: The Effects of Teach For America in High School
Zeyu Xu, Jane Hannaway, Colin TaylorThe Urban Institute and the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education ResearchMarch 27, 2008
Zeyu Xu, Jane Hannaway, Colin TaylorThe Urban Institute and the National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education ResearchMarch 27, 2008
Christopher Gergen and Gregg VanourekJossey-Bass 2008
Jeffrey R. Henig2008
This ongoing story is understandably unsettling to lots of people. The more one learns about this school, the more one is convinced it's unlawful. Ritual washing and Friday prayers? I know Kuhner doesn't like it....
About this and this (the possibility that New York's principals would be disallowed from considering student test scores when evaluating whether teachers should receive tenure), the New York Times
Surprisingly that wasn't one of Angelina Jolie's suggestions when she spoke yesterday at a Council on Foreign Relations panel about the impact of??the war??on Iraq's children. Find out what she did recommend here.
Seems that not a few people want to punch Britain's Schools Secretary, Ed Balls, in the face.
One would think this topic wouldn't deserve treatment from the Associated Press's national desk???or be picked up in 200 media outlets worldwide (so far).
Trot on over to Eduwonk, where guest blogger J.B. Schramm, Founder and CEO of College Summit, is turning in some substantive posts. He ends each day by pasting excerpts of student admission essays:??
"China Uses Heavy Hand Even With its Gadflies"
Mike is probably correct that the Wilson and Dilulio textbook is receiving scrutiny and press attention because its authors are conservatives. And no doubt lots of left-leaning texts escape similar inspection.
Per my earlier post, here's yet another example, from economist Steven Levitt, of statistics being incorrectly interpreted. One could unearth scads of such instances.
Coby's post is thought-provoking. At what point does despair negate the effect of incentives?
Periodically, a new album from DBLF Studios, features 119 songs, one for each of the elements on the periodic table, as well as a bonus track called "DBLFesium." And yes, each song is actually about the element it's named after. For instance, here's a sampling of the lyrics from track no. 16, "Sulphur": The lake of fire, yep that's me
This Boston Globe article from a couple Sundays ago highlights the thinking of philosopher Charles Karelis, who teaches at George Washington University.
If demographics are truly destiny then policymakers in the Midwest should take serious heed of the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education's (WICHE) latest edition of Knocking at the College Door.
Ohio's tormented charter school scene periodically makes for compelling political drama. Lawsuits seek to break new legal ground, novel appeals sail toward the Internal Revenue Service, baffling legislation is enacted, and important characters engage in the charter debate--including politicians, big-money industrialists, union leaders, philanthropists, and editorial commentators.
Last week, Chancellor Eric Fingerhut released his 10-year strategic plan for Ohio's colleges and universities (see here). Over the next decade, Ohio will seek to transform its higher-education institutions to boost educational attainment across the board.
In producing the Thomas B. Fordham Institute's report Fund the Child: Bringing Equity, Autonomy, and Portability to Ohio School Finance (see here), we knew that critics would attack it as William Phillis did in a March 29 letter to The Columbus Dispatch.
During puberty, teenagers' daily circadian rhythms are altered and their natural bedtime is shifted to about 11 p.m., according to scientists. This finding, paired with studies that show that teens require at least 8 1/2 hours of sleep per night, suggests that students should not rise until at least 7:30 a.m.
Two years ago, the Great Lakes states' affiliates of the National Education Association launched the Think Twice project to "review think tank research on public education issues and policies" (see here). The Thomas B.
Chad L. Aldis, executive director of School Choice Ohio, took exception to a recent Columbus Dispatch letter to the editor from William Phillis of the Ohio Coalition for Equity & Adequacy of School Funding.
George Will explains that Clinton strategist Mark Penn was caught doing something sensible, surreptitiously. (In Penn's case, it was promoting free trade.)
So says fitness guru cum educational historian Richard Simmons in this Newsweek article: "The idea of NCLB was to make our children ac
A cursory glance at this article, innocuously titled "Bisbee casts net for new schools boss," reveals nothing revelatory.
Whether or not you agree with Richard Simmons, it's promising when anti-obesity initiatives work.
In The Independent, Steve Richards's column is titled: "If you want to understand politics, just examine the explosive education debate."
Regarding Mike's post, isn't it odd that a school embraces healthy food alternatives only after a two-year research study?