If the think-tank thing doesn't work out...
Eduwonkette flatters us. Unfortunately, Mike can't carry a tune, and he's just too damn honest to lip-sync.
Eduwonkette flatters us. Unfortunately, Mike can't carry a tune, and he's just too damn honest to lip-sync.
Coby's latest spark--that students (or their parents) who rated their teachers online could provide useful feedback--is intriguing. He's right that such k-12 rating websites exist (see here) but haven't reached a critical mass of users.
Ed school professor Brad Olsen writes in the San Francisco Chronicle that "we don't much hear from, or about, teachers' experiences in--and perspectives on--what's happening in schools these days." Really???Just yesterday we published in The Gadfly
Several people questioned my argument the other day that bad ideas tend to flow from higher education to our K-12 education system (e.g., here and here).
Science writer Jonah Lehrer on algebra: "Abstract concepts, untethered to experience, are never internalized by our neurons." Or are they?
The website RateMyProfessors.com has been the subject of much criticism as it has grown in popularity.
Left unspoken* at yesterday's White House summit on faith-based schools was whether the idea of religious charter schools has any merit. Of course, this is no surprise.