House of McCain
Michael J. PetrilliPeggy Noonan turns in another characteristically perceptive "Declaration" for Saturday's Wall Street Journal--though one with uncharacteristically hokey imagery about a new house (Obama) and an old house (McCain).
Virtual insanity
Michael J. PetrilliThe Oregonian reports that its state board of education last
Catholic education's savior?
I'm still not wholly convinced that the decline of k-12 Catholic schools in this country merits the sort of "save them!" mobilization that many are calling for (see Mike's post, below). If urban Catholic schools can't compete with charter schools, why do they deserve special help?
Obama's education solution in search of a problem
Michael J. PetrilliOver at The Corner, Victor Davis Hanson wonders why Barack Obama is so worried about teaching students about oppression. He quotes a recent "news source":
Pray for an even playing field
Michael J. PetrilliLiam asks "if urban Catholic schools can't compete with charter schools, why do they deserve special help?"
Genuflecting before choice
Mike, I may agree with your point that Catholic schools should receive public funding.
News update: School officials have decided to go easy on an eighth-grader caught purchasing contraband goods. Was it guns, drugs, or tobacco? Actually, none of the above. It was candy--and not even the hard-core kind like Snickers or M&M's, which if consumed in large quantities can really pack on the pounds (trust me, I know). It was a bag of Skittles.