Slaying school failure
Last week, St. Louis Mayor Francis Slay wrote to over 70 potential charter school operators and invited them to start new schools in his town. The mayor hopes to begin a system of handpicked, high-quality charter schools that will, according to the St.
Stand firm
Last year--the first that seniors in California were required to pass a high-school exit exam in order to graduate--the number of dropouts spiked in the state.
A More Accurate Growth Model: Using Multigrade Adaptive Assessments to Measure Student Growth
Coby LoupSteering Committee of the Delaware Statewide Academic Growth Assessment PilotOctober 2007
The Nation's Report Card: Reading 2007 and The Nation's Report Card: Mathematics 2007
Martin A. Davis, Jr.Trial Urban District Assessment Results at Grades 4 and 8Institute of Education SciencesNovember 2007andTrial Urban District Assessment Results at Grades 4 and 8Institute of Education SciencesNovember 2007
Curricular gold?
Chester E. Finn, Jr., Martin A. Davis, Jr.Over the ten years of Fordham's modern existence, we have panned vigorously for gold--curricular gold.This quest has mostly disappointed us, as our reviews of state standards have consistently shown that expectations for American primary and secondary students are typically weak and watery.
Sub flub
This one was about as unexpected as I-95 traffic tie-ups on Thanksgiving eve. If you make aspiring teachers jump through lots of hoops, don't allow school districts to pay more to instructors in high-need subjects or schools, and outlaw emergency certification, then districts will face teacher "shortages"--but they'll still find a way to get warm bodies into the classroom.
The English have given the world many great things: the Magna Carta, Shakespeare, and the miniskirt, to name just a few. But lately they've hit a dry spell, with Boy George, the Spice Girls, and Prince Charles, among other unfortunate contributions.
Value Added Assessment of Teacher Preparation in Louisiana: 2004-2006
George H. Noell, Bethany A. Porter, and R. Maria PattLouisiana State UniversityOctober 2007