Creating New Leaders in the Charter Sector
The charter community in the Buckeye State recently received some welcome news (see here and here ).
The charter community in the Buckeye State recently received some welcome news (see here and here ).
Passionate about increasing excellent schooling options for all children? Here's a chance to work with one of the leading charter school networks in the nation. The KIPP Foundation is seeking an accomplished leader to create a cluster of KIPP schools in Columbus, Ohio.
Too many of America's youngsters--Ohioans among them--are still being left behind.
Few can argue that college completion rates are depressingly low. Just 35 percent of the 4.1 million students entering high school will go on to earn a college degree. Luckily, pursuing a rigorous academic curriculum in high school (as set forth in Governor Taft's Ohio Core plan) greatly increases the likelihood high school students will obtain a college degree.
It's no secret that Ohio's school funding system is deeply troubled (see here and here).