Diplomas Count: An Essential Guide to Graduation Policy and Rates
The Graduation Project 2006Education Week/ Editorial Projects in EducationJune 22, 2006
The Graduation Project 2006Education Week/ Editorial Projects in EducationJune 22, 2006
The Secretary of Education's Commission on the Future of Higher EducationJune 22, 2006
New York has seen much mud-slinging and blame-shifting this week as the charter crowd seeks to explain why the legislature had the chutzpah to complete work on the state budget without raising the statewide charter-school cap from 100 to 150 schools, as urged by both Mayor Bloomberg and Governor Pataki.
When buying fireworks this weekend, don't forget to throw a box of birthday candles into your shopping basket. It's the 40th anniversary of the Coleman Report, which was released Fourth of July weekend 1966 to "deafening silence." Why the tepid initial response?
Thank you for your thoughts on Al Gore's film and the lack of multimedia tools in education.
Once upon a time, Jonathan Kozol played a formative and constructive role in my career.
Dumb liberal ideas in education are a dime a dozen, and during my time as superintendent of Houston's schools and as the United States secretary of education I battled against all sorts of progressivist lunacy, from whole-language reading to fuzzy math to lifetime teacher tenure.
While chattering education reformers bicker about standards, accountability, and how to spend Warren Buffet's billions, Japanologist Boyé Lafayette De Mente is busy attacking the achievement gap the old fashioned way: by cutting off its head with a Samurai sword.