CEOs see the need for standards
National standards and tests are no longer desired by just a select group of policy wonks-some of the country's most powerful business leaders are on board, too.
National standards and tests are no longer desired by just a select group of policy wonks-some of the country's most powerful business leaders are on board, too.
In response to "No Cartoon Controversy," Gadfly asks whether Higher Ground (HG), a St. Paul charter public school is challenging the common school ideal. The school adapted art lessons so that Muslim parents and students are more comfortable with them. HG is meeting Minnesota state standards in art.
Charismatic Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa is ready to shake up his city's beleaguered schools, and he's looking to Chicago and New York for lessons. He even took a field trip to the Big Apple this week, meeting with Mayor Michael Bloomberg and Chancellor Joel Klein to explore the potential and perils of mayoral control of schools.
The College Board, the Educational Testing Service, Pearson Educational Measurement, and the rest of them should be ashamed of-and held accountable for-the recent spate of screw-ups in SAT scoring, as well as the less-visible but recurrent delays and glitches in
There's more than one way to skin a Badger. So when the Wisconsin Education Association lost its initial legal battle to close the state's first cyberschool (the WEA said the school violated Wisconsin charter and open enrollment laws) it took another tack.
Joe Nathan, Laura Accomando, and Debra Hare FitzpatrickCenter for School ChangeDecember 2005